
Resident Indians


It has been my experience that every District collectorate is usually haunted by its own resident lunatic, somewhat like ancient mansions possessing their resident…

Delhi Belly: The Corporatisation Of Indian Politics


Poll strategies today resemble corporate marketing strategies: there is the ‘product launch’ (announcing the candidate with much fan fare and public rallies); assessments of market shares (vote shares); brand ambassadors (mainly Bollywood celebrities inducted into various parties, though Mr. Modi is himself emerging as the most sought after ambassador of his party post PayTM and KVIC); discounts and cash-back incentives (freebies, farm loan waivers, smart phones and Amma canteens).



Given the disproportionate numbers of dhakka starts amongst our promising demographic dividend, it is only natural that repeated and regular ‘capacity building’ and ‘skilling’ and exposure visits abroad for our periodically relapsing netas, big and small, the elite bureaucracy and now even judges, be organised at public expense.