Over the last few months Kejriwal and his AAP have turned the spotlight on a number of fundamental issues: one of the most important of them, which has not received the scrutiny it deserves, is the attitude of the mainstream media-primarily the elitist, English language TV channels and print media- towards the Aam Aadmi party and some of its leaders.
Their approach has progressed through the full range of journalistic hysteria- from contempt, scepticism, grudging acceptance, demanding, outrage, to outright condemnation ( the current phase).
During this tortuous journey the media has also exposed the full range of its deficiencies, from elitist bias to ignorance, disconnect, arrogance and perhaps cupidity.
The media has never accepted Kejriwal.
- It initially dismissed him as a charlatan and fraud and even dug into his IRS past (without success) to find material (the study leave issue, dues to govt.) to discredit him.
- It deliberately created a rift between him and Anna Hazare by over-emphasising their different paths.
- It churned out opinion polls ( of toilet paper utility) that could only prejudice his electoral prospects.
- It grudgingly accepted his political and moral ascendance in Delhi after the elections but quickly recouped its forces, joined ranks with all other political parties and unleashed a blitzkrieg against him that continues unabated till today.
I am not talking of legitimate criticism and careful analysis, which is the reason the press exists, but of which we have seen little these last few months. I am talking of misinformation, misinterpretation, highlighting issues which support only a pre-conceived thesis and blacking out others, giving a slant to the reporting, shouting down contrary views, distorting the facts and making connections where none exist, regurgitating half digested news. (To be fair to this section of the media, they have done this to others also-the shocking manner in which the OB vans and the anchors wormed their way into the Sunanda Pushkar case, like maggots, and laid bare before the nation all kinds of nonsensical theories- murder, ISI plot, Dubai connection, IPL connection( they showed Subramaniam Swamy making this charge on TV), Sashi Tharoor’s culpability on charges of abetment to suicide,all without any verification- would make anyone want to throw up.
Those anchors have all shut up now that all those bestial theories have been disproved, and (without so much as a ” sorry” to Mr. Tharoor) turned their undivided malevolent attention back to Kejriwal.
How fair has the media been in the following?
- Accusing Kejriwal initially of not forming the govt. in Delhi (REASON-shirking his constitutional responsibility), and when he does form the govt., castigating him for doing so with Congress support (REASON- contradicting his stated position). All channels ignored the obvious explanation given by the party- that they never asked for Congress support.
What was Kejriwal supposed to do in the Assembly when the Congress voted in favour of his party-ask the Speaker to reject those votes, or expel the Congress MLAs, or go to Arnab Goswami for advice?
- Accusing Kejriwal of not keeping his election promises to the people when he does not announce any relief on Water and Power within a week of assuming office, and criticizing him for being populist when he does announce such relief.
And when the CMs of Haryana and Chhatisgarh ( and now even Maharashtra) make similar announcements, the same press only refers to it “en passant”!
- Constantly questioning Kejriwal on what concrete action he would take to make the Delhi police accountable to the people and govt. of Delhi.- and condemning him when he takes the first effective step (the dharna) to attain this.
For the last twenty-one years each and every Chief Minister of Delhi took shelter behind the alibi of central control of the police rather than assume control and the responsibility for their actions that comes with it.
Kejriwal accepted the challenge but is being condemned for it.
- Terming the dharna at Rail Bhawan as ” anarchy” even though it was peaceful, did not seek to bring down any govt., or break any laws (except the ubiquitous Sec.144 which was never meant to be applied in the case of legitimate protest but has become the first resort of all govternments to stifle them).
The media has a very short and selective memory-if all protests are to be termed as anarchy then the Jai Prakash Narain movement would never have happened and we would still be under an Emergency.
- Stigmatizing public participation in governance as “Vigilantism”. The media-comfortable in their privileged status where any favour is just a phone call away- disapproves of public involvement in the monitoring of schools, hospitals, police stations even though they are fully aware of( and quite often expose) the deplorable conditions prevailing there.
Law Minister Bharti is denounced as a Vigilante even before the Inquiry Commission has given its report.
The murder of Arunachal’s Nido this week and the thrashing of two other girls from the North-east in Kotla last week has thoroughly exposed the rot in the Delhi police, and vindicates Mr. Bharti’s action in personally going to Khirkee village and demanding that the police take action.
This is not vigilantism. Vigilantism is what MNS and SP goons are doing in UP and Bombay, but our TV channels let them off with brief mentions, reserving their vitriol for the AAP.
The double standards on display only add to this pathetic roll call of ineptitude. All parties come out with grand manifestos before elections but consign them to the dustbin on assuming power, and the media forgets about them too. But Kejriwal’s 18 point manifesto was flung in his face from day one and he was castigated on an almost hourly basis for not implementing it.
The Congress has done nothing about the scams for ten years but Kejriwal is expected to throw Sheila Dixit in jail within twenty four hours of assuming office!
When Gadkari makes allegations about clandestine pay-offs to form the AAP government it is merely reported; when AAP’s Madan Lal alleges he was offered Rs. 20 crores to defect the media demands that he produce proof and file an FIR; every penny received by AAP is on their website but still questions are raised repeatedly on their legality, but have you seen any Prime-time discussion on why Mallya refuses to pay his employees or the Banks while continuing with his Great Gatsby life-style?
Or why SAHARA’s Subroto Roy refuses to explain how he got the Rs. 20,000 crore for his deposit schemes?
Or why India’s most fearless journalist forgot to ask Rahul Gandhi about Robert Vadra’s rags-to-riches miracle?
Or about the Houdini-like manoeuvers that enabled his family to take over the assets of the National Herald?
Has there been even a whisper on TV or the press about Madhu Kishwar’s expose on the NDTV- Chidambram laundry list of Rs. 5000 crore?
The media has become an expert at manufacturing red herrings to divert the attention away from AAP’s core issues/ intentions so as to serve their main purpose of discrediting the party.
Khirki thus becomes a matter of Racism and Sexism, and not about drugs, prostitution and police corruption; Kejriwal’s dharna is projected exclusively as a constitutional break-down and the issues relating to federalism, the right of a state govt. to exercise control over its police force, the attitude of an insensitive central govt- all these are disregarded. Misleading Headlines and Breaking News spots predict the imminent fall of the AAP govt. and party, a few defamation cases against Kejriwal by affected politicos is projected as the law closing in on him, an attempt at having a genuine janata durbar is tom-tommed as an administrative failure of cataclysmic proportions.
Speakers on panel discussions who support the AAP position are either shouted down, intimidated, lectured to or simply have the mike taken away!
Only domesticated panelists whose toe-the-media-line biases are well known are chosen to appear at the mid-night hour (one of them inadvertently gave the game away recently by mentioning (live) that he gets paid Rs. 5000 for every appearance!). There was no contradiction from the fearless anchor who quickly changed the subject!
What is the explanation for the patently partisan and adversarial ( to the AAP) posture adopted by the media, for its 24×7 condemnation of Kejriwal and his party, for its perpetual fault-finding autopsy of every word and act of this fledgling entity which should at least be given some grace period to flap its wings before expecting it to soar into the firmament?
Having given the matter some thought, I see three main reasons to explain the media’s curious behavior.
First, a total disconnect with the pulse of the people.
Editors and anchors who divide their time between padded air-conditioned studios and the drawing/dining rooms of the rich and infamous, whose ears are fixed on their smartphones rather than on the ground, who move only in their own circle from which they also choose their panelists and pollsters, have lost touch with reality.
They have yet to realize that Kejriwal’s mass appeal does not stem from reduction of power or water tariffs or from the promise of regularizing contract workers- it stems from his visceral denunciation of corruption and elitism, from his projection of abject simplicity, from an idiom that is not conventionally political. The more the channels concentrate on the non-issues, the more irrelevant they become to the people and the more they are perceived to be part of the effete superstructure that the people want to demolish.
Second, sheer ignorance of both history and current developments across the world.
If you have already made up your mind before the show starts, and if you profess to be an expert on seven subjects in seven days, there is very little your research team can do for you. By continuing to insist that Kejriwal is the Great Anarch, the elitist media is negating all the struggles in the past that make us the great democracy we are. In the process the media has also blinded itself to the contextual relevance of Kejriwal’s movement.
The emergence of the AAP has to be seen as part of a global churning against big government, corruption, the feeling that ” the modern state often seems designed to look after itself rather than the citizens it is supposed to serve” (the Economist, January 4th 2014), against 19th century Chicago style politicians, against an elite prospering at the expense of the working classes.
The last ten years has seen political parties with the same DNA as the AAP, what are being called ” insurgent parties”, asserting themselves across the globe- the UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) in the UK, the Tea Party rump of the Republican Party in the USA, The Progress Party of Norway, the Front National ( FN) of the inimitable Marie Le Pen in France, The Freedom Party in the Netherlands, the Five Star Movement in Italy.
Once considered fringe groups they too were demonised by the media and the establishment, but they have come to stay: they have broad appeal, command size-able vote percentages, influence the formation of governments, and sleepless governments are learning their lessons the hard way-either they adapt to the policy demands of these newcomers or they vacate more and more space for them.
Lessons, dear Mr. Goswami-Sardesai-Rahul Kanwal and Ms. Dutt and Ghosh, are not derived from vacuous panel discussions but from studying what is happening in the world around you. You may consider Kejriwal a freak but most of the developed world is taking people like him very seriously.
Third, and most important, one is beginning to suspect that there might be more than meets the eye in this sustained campaign to discredit Kejriwal and AAP.
One has to weigh seriously Shazia Ilmi’s charge that big corporates, who are desperate for Modi to become PM, are behind the media campaign. The Congress, equally petrified of this unpredictable party would certainly not hesitate to call in favours from a media with which it has always has a cosy relationship.
The DAVP budget is a handy persuader (as the AG audit of the advertising spend of the Chhatisgarh government makes amply clear).
And let us not forget that loose change of Rs. 500 crores which the Congress party has set aside for its election campaign!
I may be wrong, or perhaps senility is catching up with me, but I do seem to feel that our media has raised the decibel pitch against Kejriwal rather noticeably ever since news about this bankroll became public. Quite often the loudest bidder is also the highest bidder! Ever since the Radia tapes exposures the credibility and integrity of our mainstream media have been under a cumulonimbus cloud. And we are well aware of the fact that almost all prime channels and publications are owned or controlled by business houses or leading politicians.
Aditya Thakur’s article in the Hillpost gives some of the details: Prannoy (NDTV) Roy’s wife is the sister of Brinda Karat of the CPM, TIMES NOW belongs to Bennet and Coleman, NEWS24 is controlled by Rajeev (IPL) Shukla a Congress Minister, PTC is owned by Sukhbir Badal, INDIA NEWS is owned by Karthikeya Sharma son of Congress leader Vinod Sharma, THE PIONEER is ably steered by BJP MP Chandan Mitra, the HINDU is owned by the Kasturi family which has overt CPM sympathies, The INDIAN EXPRESS supports the Congress while its twin the NEW INDIAN EXPRESS is an avowed NDA sympathiser, the HINDUSTAN TIMES is the undisputed turf of Shobhana Bhartiya, a former Congress MP and daughter of KK Birla, the TIMES OF INDIA can no longer lay any claim to fair reporting ever since it started the reprehensible practice of accepting equity from companies (instead of payment) for their advertising: you may not lick the hand that feeds you, but you’ll certainly bite the hand that doesn’t.
These then are the forces that are ranged against Arvind Kejriwal, forces that will not even allow him thirty days to prove himself.
In the electronic din created by them even the sounds of genuine criticism (which the AAP will no doubt welcome) are drowned out.
We expect no better from our political parties which live in a world of dog eat dog. But we expect better from our Fourth Estate in these momentous times when change is palpably in the air.
Let them not forget the words of John F Kennedy:
” Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
The author retired from the IAS in December 2010. A keen environmentalist and trekker he has published a book on high altitude trekking in the Himachal Himalayas: THE TRAILS LESS TRAVELLED.
His second book- SPECTRE OF CHOOR DHAR is a collection of short stories based in Himachal that was published in July 2019. His third book was released in August 2020: POLYTICKS, DEMOCKRAZY AND MUMBO JUMBO is a compilation of satirical and humorous articles on the state of our nation. His fourth book was published in July 2021. INDIA: THE WASTED YEARS – chronicles all the missed opportunities in the last nine years. His fifth book – THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER’S DOG AND OTHER COLLEAGUES – released in September 2023, portrays the lighter side of life in the IAS and in Himachal. He published his sixth book, DISAPPEARING DEMOCRACY-DISMANTLING OF A NATION in March 2024; it is a commentary on events from 2021 to the present, a sequel to THE WASTED YEARS. Shukla writes for various publications and websites on the environment, governance and social issues. He divides his time between Delhi and his cottage in a small village above Shimla. He blogs at avayshukla.blogspot.com |
Media Behind Modi’s Campaign ? I am failed to recall any incident where media portrait Modi in Goof face. Media is attacking Mr. Modi from last 10+ years. Congress+ it’s associate from every hue trying to attack him. Well few even say that his social media Campaign is run by some agency from USA. I am failed to understand when such agency from USA hired people like us who are running https://www.facebook.com/iSupportNamo pages with millions followers ?
Anyway you need to read Modi phenomenon: Propaganda or Reality? and decide yourself.
Well to please stop spreading lies that media helping Modi for his image. They are not doing anything at all. But past even shows something different in AK or AAP favour like Ashutosh first doing enough publicity joined AAP and punya prasoon vajpayee with AAP leaders.
Considering Leftist control media no wonder they will promote AAP.
Too much of a one sided article for blaming the media responsible for demonisation of AAP. If we remember correctly it was the media who made Kejriwal the hero, the second the election results were out. Nobody really had a problem with that. Second, if they never criticized the other governments, they never really praised the other state governments for the positive steps taken (like a corruption helpline already set up in many steps before AAP). Next accusing him of not fulfilling his promises about putting Sheila Dikshit, the timeline was set by Keriwal himself and not the media. In his speeches, he promised us, the people, that he would the former Delhi CM behind bars within 7 days of forming the government. Well, as a person who voted for him, I would surely give him more than a week to do that, but what really came as a rude shock was asking the media and Dr Harshvardhan for proof against her (remember he was shouting from rooftops before the elections that he had all kinds of proofs in hand already to put her behind bars). And we can go on and on for each of the above examples given, but I’d rest my case her.
Also, if anybody wishes to engage in constructive debate, replies are most welcome 🙂
PS – No doubt, the Indian media is just behind TRPs and doesn’t really care about responsible reporting, however, we see that it is not only AAP but all the political parties that come under the media scanner (I haven’t really read 1 positive news about Congress or Rahul Gandhi in the past few months. If nothing they keep mocking at him. Again, here I feel the need to mention that I am no Congress supporter but just felt the need to give an example).
Well I agree with you that Kejriwal made promises may be with an unrealistic timeline. But it is unfair of the Media or us to judge AAP based on this as they are at least making an effort to implement their manifesto. I would like the newly formed governments in other states to provide a checklist of the tasks they have accomplished from their manifesto. I am sure most of these governments threw the manifesto into the bin the moment they won the elections. Not an ardent AAP supporter, just feel that AAP is having to justify their work through words rather than action.
Excellent analysis!!
Excellent analysis..
Thanks for such a great analysis. It is must read for everyone irrespective of the fact that you support AAP or not
Hitting Bull’s Eye!
Hitting Bulls Eye..indeed! Its good to know ..still intelligent & Fearless reports publish. The Indian media should be ashamed of what they are doing right now. They(media) is proving themselves to a “Paid Media” ……
Thanks for the great analysis.
“misinformation, misinterpretation, highlighting issues which support only a pre-conceived thesis and blacking out others” exactly my views on this, thanks again for putting it up.
Bang on. Loved it. It is just the reflection of my thought on the so called media irrespective of any party support.
Fourth Filler On Sad State. But Trying to Calm Revolution is Not a Very Good
Idea. Country and Citizens are above everyone.
Fourth Filler in Sad State. But Trying to Calm Revolution is Not a Very Good
Idea. Country and Citizens are above everyone.
I completely agree with Avay Shukla. The English media is working to a hidden agenda. The fact that the Goswamis and Kanwals are spreading so much venom against AAP shows that they are doing things which the interests backing the media finds threatening. More they raise their pitch greater will be the popularity of this party.
there are no ethics or paradigms here. news generation and propaganda is all about money and trp. no wonder many media houses are either openly or clandestinely owned or sponsored by industrialists who also happen to be politicians. they would use anyone and anything for their benefit the way they deem fit. that includes either demonizing or glorifying. problem is, even after disapproving the methods of these cacophonous anchors I still park my backside and listen to them. that’s trp and it becomes money. as regards Mr kejriwal. I feel his success is essential to keep our faith in democracy alive. I agree with the author that this is another chance we have after about four decades to again come closer to ‘people’s rule’. the last was crushed by the emergency. towwrds that it becomes even more important for Mr kejriwal to have good advisors and colleagues to keep this struggle alive and on right track. else we would take another four decades or more for somebody to date use the words common man leave apart his cause.
I had become completely hopeless towards media. But today you made me realized that jounaralist like you will always keep us awaken.
This is the true jounaralism.
100 % true.
This is real jounaralism.
Today’s journalists and panels well put by Mr. Arun Shourie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aXl2i4Rxgg&sns=em
Thanks for the great work. It confirmed my inner feeling that this all a coverup. Rahul gandhi copying AAP and then criticising them and calling them idiots at the same time. Though till now no party has done anything more but scams and run governments from jails and now talking about image and authenticity!
Lovely…this helps!
Here is how I shared your insightful article sir
“The max likes on facebook are for kids pics. Of course!
Lets also think… how can we, who are in our prime today, create a world that these adorable little boys & girls deserve?
The least is to spend a few min to read & rethink… esp when an IAS officer of integrity and repute, who has spent an entire lifetime INSIDE the system quotes the following from John. F. Kennedy:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable””
If watching Times Now or NDTV even a politically illiterate person can sense the motives of the anchors, who trail their guns on AAP for anything and everything they do or they dont !!! Truth is common man has understood that drastic steps have to be taken to shake the rusted system to KICKSTART it to work properly . GOD has given common man ability to listen to their heart and sense the real intention people , which goes beyond word play, be it politicians / media or anybody else.
Kejriwal has touched the common mans pulse ,.Initially parties ignored now it is the media.
I am puzzled here when people call media corrupt and compare it to politician.
Yes like every other institution in INDIA media is equally corrupt but blaming the whole media corrupt is just unfair.
for me national media has got its biggest problem of it being not national just Mumbai and Delhi media. non stop coverage of AAP has just sicken me delhi is not even a full state no body sees how states like Odisha, MP Chatisgah have a great track record in this past ten years.
people in metro consider their problems their solution as national problem and solution, the biggest problem of AAP is its publicity hungry MLAs, every single decision should not be taken infront of media, a advice to them go to your office do your job and better implementation will automatically be visible to every resident of dehli
Beautifully written. Respect!
It’s heartening to see that some sections of the media can still write in an unbiased and fair manner. Well written article.
If we continually pull down those few among us who are trying to effect change then this country will never arrive at the pinnacle it is capable of reaching
Typical Indian mindset to find fault and start asking how others are getting away with it.
If someone is caught jumping the signal, the 1st thing he/she says “That car went, so I followed”
Kejriwal is doing the same thing, and all you are doing is underlining that.
The day people like you and me, keep our eyes open and get rid of blind support for anyone – be it Modi, Rahul, Arvind, Nitish or the 100 crore statue that Maharashtra is planning to make, we’ll go one huge step ahead in progress. Of the nation? I’m not sure, but definitely progress in our minds and attitude.
The article has voiced what I personally wanted to say. I strongly feel that the media should play a constructive role in changing the society. Unfortunately, one doesn’t get that feeling with the kind of reporting and specially with the debates happening on the channels. The impression what I got by watching the debates or reporting is that the anchors come with a pre conceived thoughts and try to impose their ideas in to those who speak against that. They sensationalize the story to improve the TRP. Mr. Kejriwal would have over promised in implementing the poll manifestos, But fail to see the sincerity of the individual/ party. Media or the opposition is failed recognize the fact that, for the first time the poll promises are being discussed and monitored by all, thanks to Shri. Kejriwal. If something is lacking in Shri. Kejriwal is the art of Politics, which I sincerely hope, he doesn’t learn, or else we loose the hope of CHANGE!
Thanks for the excellent article…
Excellent! People fail to understand even after reading such an article that media has vested interests . They think probably that media does not have brains, and do not have top class analysts, and psychologists to make things more believable.
Wow #Brilliant I totally agree & have been tweeting why media is after AAP. 1 BSES 2 Tata Power 3 Reliance Power 4 CAG Audit of Delhi Discoms #kvgm Its all about money honey. Khirkee & Somnath Bharati’s constituency is rock solid behind him in support. Arvind Kejriwal asking the control over Delhi Police is not Anarchy, but valid demand on management principle “Unity of Command” The 2 rapes & The killing on Arunachal Student & Harassment of Manipur Girls is a proof. Media does not want to lose the “Tu Janta Hai mera Aap Kaun hai ” power. They all pee in pants in Amdavad(Amit Shah) Mumbai(Sena/MNS), Hyderabad (Owaisi). Thanks for reassuring me, that I was right on Bharati & Kejriwal. I’m a staunch Congressman, but if an AAP candidate contests from Kolkata,will vote for him/her ONLY.
This article is a tight slap on all those journalists who pretend to we neutral but having an hidden agenda…….have we ever seen that there is no talk of casteism,muscle power ,money mower in our 67 years of independence……..have we seen the people from all walk of life joining a particular political group by sacrificing crores of packages…….or have we seen the youth’s like me(I am a teenager) talking about politics…..politics havn’t been cup of tea for most of the educated indians ,but today we can see everywhere there is only politics and agenda for 2014 is being talked…..it’s different matter some talks Modi,some Kejriwal or any other…..but the thing is who is behind all this…….surely AAP. How can media be in so hurry which is assumed as 4th pillar of democracy to want a particular group or man or party to be 100% perfect or correct..?? Everyone does mistake ….and in this case there was no any mistake which could be a 24 *7 live material for news channels.
I am proud to have a fair and independent journalist like you who can go against his own counterparts…
Hats off sir…..n thank you
Recently there was a thread on a Times of India smartphone app where some people had viciously accused AAP and Kejriwal of being a movement sponsored by India’s enemies and mentioned support from overseas as proof of this. The language used too was vulgar and deplorable.
Being an NRI and an AAP supporter I refuted these baseless comments using emphatic but very decent language. However, I was surprised to receive an email from TOI stating that my comment had been removed as it was inappropriate. All the other filthy comments continued to be displayed and TOI didn’t seem to have a problem. I am very disappointed, to say the least.
Perfect analysis. I doubt if our country’s media will ever change.
As perfect as it gets. Shame on our media houses. Shame on Arnab Goswami. He lost many viewers in the past one month because of such obviously biased journalism.
Superb analysis. Commendable write-up. Share the same sentiments.
Kejri is runnig faster than the stones hurled at him, and he will win the race…
Nicely put. I’m not sure if I agree with the writer’s comparison of AAP with all those parties from around the world. Most of them like the ‘Tea Party’ in the US are extreme right wing parties that we don’t need in India. We already have plenty of lunatics life that.
To me, the reason for media’s hostile attitude towards AAP is MONEY. Kejriwal doesn’t serve Amy purpose for the rich and powerful who also happen to own most of the media. Instead he had made enemies in these groups of people by taking up a position against their corrupt actions. . and nobody likes it. The media houses are naturally going to defend their wealthy/corrupt daddies. Kejriwal only serves the poor common man. . and we all know that nobody cares about them.
Nice one..keep it up..
This is what I call as an article based on infatuation, overdose of emotions, hope and wishful thinking rather than observation, research and practical analysis.
Everybody is aware of Kejriwal’s U-turns from no govt bungalows, vehicles, not taking Congress support (after swearing on his children) in case of hung assembly, forming a political party from harna gang and then doing dharna after becoming CM etc. I really doubt AAP would have got even 10 seats in Delhi if it had the audacity to be integral and honest rather than lyging about no Congress support. Sadly, We did not get a congress-mukt Delhi alone.
Nobody cares if he takes bungalows, vehicles etc. But why lie? How many days has he sat in office and did some constructive work? They did dharna to save Somnath who made african women urinate in public, pass racial slur etc. Why no dharna in case of Nido Tania case? Why no dharna for Robert Vadra, Shiela and other corruption cases. OK lets give them time!
I belong to Delhi and had to face 3 hours of traffic jam because of his utterly idiotic dharna to save Somnath because of whome around 4 police officials wer suspended. This along with the transfer of DJB officials is what they and their followers count as ‘achievment’. Its a sorry state of affairs!
I’m waiting for the day when they’ll set up an SIT against Shazia Ilmi for her cash sting operation thing, remove SOmnath from party and make Bhushan apologize publicly to Indians and the Army for his shameful remark on Kashmir and Army where he accused Army for killings in Kashmir, opined to separate kashmir and remove Army from Kashmir and Naxal areas as if he and his gang knows more about the ground reality than the intelligence and Army because of whom he is still living peacefully to be even promoting something called ‘referendum by people’ on the same. So be it! Delhities have done a referendum to throw Bhushan to Kashmir. Let the lovers of referendum i.e AAP implement the same.
Besides, who really asked them to join Congress? Not even 1% of Delhities which they call as referendum? Can they avail the data to public? What is the meaning of general elections then?
Kejriwal’s pro-afzal guru, Ishrat jahan (contrary to IB), batla house (contrary to court verdict), not respecting National flag during republic day, threatening to jeopardise republic day with dharnas or passing of Janlokpal through unconstitutional means clearly indicate the mindset of an illiterate, anarchist, a hitler who does not respect anyone, fools people with nice words like ‘secular, honest, aam aadmi etc’ which are historical signs of marxist and communist uprisings from lening to stalin which has failed in every country.
Now he boycots media because they are questioning him. Just to remind, he is the CM and accountable to all questions public asks him. Rather then answering, he and his supporters brand the people asking questions as having an agenda or BJP supports and thereby dismiss the question itself.
Talking about media, right from start Mr.kejriwal and AAP has received the popularity that other amateur or CM has got. be it an IITian of Goa, Manohar Parikar and his good work in goa, Chattisgarh
CM Mr.Raman or 12 years of massive development work done by Mr.Modi, none were ever covered by media as they have done for every single so called ‘achievment’ of kejriwal. On the contrary, Media has been branding Modi as murderer even after SC gave him clean chit twice. An incumbent Cm, Yedurappa, was removed from party alone for investigations on mining case and later given clean chit. I don’t see AAP suspending Somnath, Shazia or Kejriwal in a similar manner?
What makes Kejriwal promote SIT for 1984 genocide, which is a welcome sign indeed, but deny that very own SIT’s clean chit regarding 2002 and still calling Modi as murderer?
Those hwo have been fooled by freen water and electricty need to understand economics and read this : http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-12-27/edit-page/45593594_1_aam-admi-aap-arvind-kejriwal
Now surcharge is being applied on electricty. How will he stop corruption which will be increased exponentially because of 670 L of free water alone? How will he pay companies for their loss? Just to remind that before Modi’s advent, Gujarat was suffering from huge debt without much captial flow. During his early time as CM, Gujarat was affected by earthquake where 10000 died and still if we see now, Gujarat has development, reduced debt and excellent cash flow! Thats governance with electricity from solar panels for which public doesn’t have to pay much as against the electricty from coal. I can write 2-3 pages easliy regarding development in Gujarat.
But in the end as you, yourself say, “He is new, give him more time”, then let him prove for 4-5 years, if successful and re-elected, then think about Nation!!
Let there be no confusion this time and we vote for a patriotic leader (for a leader leads and is not led asking for referendum), one who upholads governance minimizing corruption, thinks about Army and the acts for the people by citing examples of what has been done and what will be done, with track record of governance and satisfying his people continuously!
Otherwise, if you want a person with academic credentials, then do vote for Manmohan Singh, an economic cat, an oxford champ who reduced India to an economic failure!
All of your accusations on Kejriwal are loud sounding bytes of the #paidmedia. Go figure.
Are u asking to vote for the same person who gave away 10000 cr worth of share in GSPC for free to Geo Global resources & Jubilant ? To jean Paul roy?
vote for same person who gives away land to Raheja’s and other developers for pittance and asks 8800/- sqm from indian Air force? he is the one who care’s abt army?
Vote for the person who disallows GMDC to get players to supply power @ 2.25 and asks them to give coal to Adani who supplies power @ 5.5/-?
So much for non-corruption and so much for good governance and so much for his love for the armed forces.
I think 14% of NDTV is owned by Naveen Jindal’s father in law! One big political family! All of them in the game together. Mere spectators like us, watch on!
In my view the Kejriwal movement is a breath of fresh air. The media and the main parties were dismissing it as a loony movement, and they are now in panic. True, the new and inexperienced band of AAP have bungled in their actions in the teething period, and perhaps lack tact, but the intention and goals are sterling, which is what is scaring the sh*t out of the BJP, Congress and the other gangs of thug politicians. Unfortunately, there are large segments of population brainwashed due to their ignorance, or media influence, or political bribery of one kind or another to write off AAP as a band of anarchists. The BJP Sevaks have been taught to parrot the party line that Kejriwal is a Congress stooge, and the Congress is too busy pleasing their Queen Spaghetti in preparing the coronation of Prince Dumbaba. The fundamental problem is that the same looters and the scamsters have been playing musical chairs since over six decades, and have been allowed to monopolize the game; so why the hand wringing in despair when you get what you ask for, and perhaps deserve?
I completely agree with your thoughts. The Arnob Goswamis of the world have contrived with the bigger parties to show AAP negatively or to keep maligning them with insignificant allegations to divert the public attention from their core intention – to actually change the system for the good. And most of my brethren is not smart enough to sniff this out as a few have!
It’s not only media which has got itself in the trap of profitability V/s duty. Most of us have some or other dark corners and we also go through moral dilemma in our day to day life. What is more important is that majority of us want to change this status quo, cos moral, and honest living is not utopian rather it requires determination and a system where those who are following the right path are not punished if not awarded.
I stopped watching programmes by all these big channelwalas…they are so apparent, and blunt to be biased against Arvind ! They are devoid of intelligence to be at least have some pseudo-neutral stance to fool public. The monotonous cacophony of badmouthing Arvind sparing the largest goons of other political parties are too obvious, they have teamed up with Arvind’s rivals to finish his dream and stature. They will succeed, no doubt, but it will be a huge loss for the country. never ever will there be any such platform be formed which will be able to generate so much trust and belief in empowerment of common men on the street. The rivals are scare to see an organised movement of common men at a much larger scale. they want to nip it in the bud. Who can do it better than paid servants like Arnab Goswamy ?
Kudos to Avay Shukla and the Hill Post for this great critique of Indian media.
Media MADE Kejriwal.
And now it is reporting Kejriwal’s U-turns and contradictions.
Just in. His demonic eyed Law Minister found out to be owner of Porn site domains and one of the top three spammers of world!
Now Kejri Babu would sit on Dharna to defend this hooligan!
If there is bias in Media it’s shaker the BJP and NaMo…Ak has lot to prove before anyone starts acting like his agent….his initial weeks at the office are disastrous his populist policies are going to throw us back to ages
It’s a matter of pride for me to know a person of Mr. Shukla’s stature who all his life believed in calling a spade a spade no matter he may have to loose comfort zone to which bureaucrates are attuned to. I am indeed thankful to my daughter Arshi who brought this piece of blog to my notice from US where it’s getting circulated and is widely being appreciated also. There will certainly be comments of various shades of likes and dislikes on this blog but any sensible right thinking person of this country who sincerely wants a corruption free India would like to give enough time to Mr. Kejriwal to sweep the society clean from this evil. The media has not been fair with him as has been appreciably highlighted in the above blog. Though elected for 5 years media was not prepared to give him even 5 days to act. I hope he gets 5 months to show some results but the prevailing environment and antagonism under which he is surviving each day , it seems impossible that he will be allowed to survive that long . The people of this country have realized the potential that u have and they will surely pray for your survival . May be next time your hands will be less tied having your own majority. More than development people want a clean govt. therefor Mr. Modi’s plank of development is getting behind the issue of corruption. India seems to be entering a good phase in history . We look forward for better and happier days to come .
Diljeet Singh
Not at all!
Media made AAP bigger than it would have been otherwise. Media was all for Kejriwal, he just had to show he meant well and had a way of going about things.
Kejriwal has come out a bundle of contradictions and has done a U-turn on almost every statement he has made so far!
More than his contradictions, it is his zero understanding of how to address economic issues plaguing Delhi & India that worries any right thinking voter. Its all very well to ‘demand’ water, gas & electricity at cheaper than production+distribution costs and play to your galleries but spare a thought for debts that would gallop in coming years.
One would have liked to concede the guy is a typical leftist with zero understanding of fiscal management but than, ever since he took power, fact is 184 people have actually DIED…repeat DIED…due to cold of Delhi!
Come on! How difficult it is to ask all your followers to donate 10 rupees each and make available a few thousand blankets to the poorest of the poor?
Fact is this guy can sit on a dharna demanding suspension of two cops to save ass of his leechad looking Law Minister, (latest is this maniacal looking Law Minister Bharti was selling po*n domains for years and was one of the top 3 spammers of world soliciting this business…and talking of morality when it came to a few Ugandan women in Delhi), but completely insensitive to the plight of poorest of the poor!
When I read news like Delhi Winter (Come on it is PLUS 3-4 Degrees at it’s minimum), has killed poor in India, I feel like thrashing each and every politician and administrator of India! What do these wind bags do? How can people die in plus temperatures? I live in Russia where today its Minus 20! I know not ONE PERSON would die anywhere! So much for tall words like Governance, Systems etc.
** I have been an AAP supporter since its inception and emergence! But these guys have turned out to be a huge disappointment! Most worrying aspect is because of the way these jerks have behaved, now Indian voter can kiss all chances of a credible alternative Political force emerging in India a firm GOOD-BYE!
Yes, quite blatantly too. I mean, what other state goverments have received even half this much attention?
I guess both pro and anti Kejriwal are missing some basic points:
1) Congress said they will give support and it was not on the floor of the house as has been incorrectly stated in this article. When Congress told the Lt Gov their decision to support AAP, AAP could have said no we cannot form government with the support of the MOST CORRUPT party (as always maintained by AK). So lets not give a holy feel about AK. This was a power struggle and they did not want to be left behind
2) What happened in Khirki cannot be condoned, especially by the author who happened to serve the constitution. What happened there was illegal and unconstitutional. The basic human rights was trampled that day by an over zealous minister.
3) Sitting on Dharna by the CM is hilarious but not unconstitutional but doing so just a few days before Republic day is not acceptable. If he does not realize the importance of that day or the security concerns during that fortnight then he better go to school to learn civics again.
4) Suddenly the media is corrupt, pro congress, pro BJP. When they stood by them during the Anna movement then it was hailed as a pillar. It is a very dangerous trend of AAP which says, you are clean when you are with me, but if you contradict me then you are corrupt. For example, Mr Binny (he was as clean as God when he was with AAP and not he is corrupt).
5) Two wrongs do not make a right. If NDA and UPA are corrupt then AAP is morally corrupt since it is not leaving a single chance of disrespecting the constitution. Whether it is the language they speak or the kind of politics they practice.
Greetings ,
Media has one option that is change .
We had remote control to change channel or also to switch it off.
Now we have mobiles !
Regards ,
There is no doubt on the role of media in defaming AAP and Arvind Kejriwal. Any lay man who is tracking the coverage on this news channels can easily figure out their misinterpretations and intentions. After all one should remember that these channels are backed by corporate and are not run for charity. Otherwise their revenue generation through advertisements will drop from political parties and company’s.
shame on indian media. a man,who wants tochange the country is wrong?a man who wants fight against coruption,a man who wants to make india real swaraj,a man who wants to do something good for indians in real,is wrong?how it can be?shame on media
Perfect analysis and eye wash for blind viewers…who only see what is show TV/News papers right and forward/sharing the social media . To My Dear Countrymen pl be careful and see the truth and then make the mind / Judgement. Media is very danger – Don’t ferget, it can build or destroy NATIONS.
You simply ROCK!!! Avay Shukla. Loved this aspect.
media houses have became part of this corrupt system. so it’s absolutely natural for them to attack Arvind Kejriwal and AAP because they’re trying to clean and change the present sick system.
Nice article indeed…
So, is democracy’s 4th pillar having its building material changed from concrete of honesty to wads of $$ ?
Master piece scientific analysis. Let us give it chance to reach all households in all language& let masses decide. We need a systems of media simultaneously telecasting all telecast able comments despatched by common man regarding talks & debates being televised.
media made AAP and media is killing AAP, this post doesn’t say anything about the incidents happened between 2011-2013 were AAP was just projected beyond its actuals.
also most pathetic was Kejriwal dumping Anna ji and hijacking the movement for his political gains. No media questioned this and as per the author, those days media was grt. If not for media over projected AAP would have been non existent.
How many U turns he has taken in the last 45 days. should media not talk abt it. yes opposition is there to make you do mistakes and then dump you. You should be careful. just for his personal benefits he wants to gain sympathy from every incident. including forming govt, reliance power shut down, dharna, rapes, for everything he has an personal agenda.
what happened to the poll promises, only a fool will announce things like scrapping discom without even a back up plan. u have put all 1 cr public into problem by announcing this. I hate reliance but in this case yes I pity them, why will reliance continue with this sort of a flip flop policy which can get them into a bigger issue, jus compare FII they walk out just in hours of wrong policy. here by the wrong policy of AK whole of reliance can get into problem.
What abt the free water. nothing but a gimmicks, it’s like the riders which the insurance companies put at end of the policy documents in a very minute letter which no one can read. same way AK has put terms and conditions for free water.
India has 1.2 billion population utilise it and bring it up instated of freebies and making them lazy. you can’t tax 5% of the people and give freebies to 95%. Instead encourage everyone to earn more and give them a right atmosphere.
65 years congress did these freebies and now AAP is coming with a new models of freebies. who will pay for these freebies. and why shld the tax payer pay for these freebies.
85% of the tax money is water either by corruption or in the form of misuse and mishandling you don’t anyone talks abt this instead of finding fault on the others, media may be wrong but that doesn’t make you right. prove yourself before blaming other
Media should give some time to AAP to act on issues one by one. We can’t expect everything to be done in 2 months which congress could not do in 60 years.
I appreciate AAP.
please don’t start blaming 2 months old baby (AAP). They deserve minimum 5 years of time to prove themselves. We can monitor the progress and give some feedback to AAP.
Prashant..i am agree with you.in another term..he is trying to do another kind of politics,even he don’t know the outcome out of it.so far he only creates a kind on confusion in the system..my way or heighway..wt is this is not anarchy,Mr.kejriwal always said..hum to chote aadmi hain,yes sir you are,to run a system you have to grow up now.a officer always remain officer can’t be servant.
1.) Great article. Loved it.
2.) I no longer trust media reporting on AAP. No one should.
2.) @bhagat: AAP is here to finish this kind of elitist thinking. An officer must be a servant & not an officer.
Need more unbiased articles like these. Very well articulated.
One must never trust what is presented by media, as most of them are politically motivated or are working to charm there political masters. What AAP did has surprised the country leave alone the political class & the paid media. Appreciate in such a over charged environment of Congress & BJP dominance of power if some body can creat so much wave & response show people will & under current for change. People must get up take notice ask questions & demand political accountability. One AAP one AK can not fix the problem faced by this country of over a Billion people. Indian politics is not propritery to Congress BJP and neither are they the future of this great country. Young Indians must come forward to build a new India. The youth of this country posses enormous talent & the potential to take the nation forward and into better times. We must encourage more young and open minded party like AAP rather then bank upon congress BJP. They are like the fiat & Ambassdor of there time who served our fathers & grandfathers to there ability & potential now it’s time for the young brigade to take control and move forward.
Mr Kejriwal was medias darling till He looked like a formidable force That could stop the Modi’s march to Delhi … There were cosy discussions of how if AAP cuts 10-15 urban seats and stop BJP before 200 mark , then even if BJP comes to power it has to look at leadership change to get support…. Media is unethically and almost criminally against MODI and what Kejriwal saw initially was just this cosy convienient praise… The moment they realized Kejriwal is a spent force demonization begin… Mr. Kejriwal instead of complIning and throwing theatrics should get down to work just like Modi… He even after full 12 years Of media spewing venom against him has come out brilliantly solely because of his work!!
Good and well researched article, ever since the kejriwals dharna I was looking for the media house which would not categorize it as ‘anarchist’ and found none until your article. Chudos to you!
every coin have 2 sides and nobody is perfect,the role of media to hype AAP was a huge.every action has an equal and opposite reaction,don’t blame media.they are running businesses,so obvious whatever the mediocrity is they are showing.sometimes you are achiever and some times loser.babies are in the race with grand father and uncle for a dirty politics.
siyasat muflisho par yeh ehsaan karti he,aankhein chin letihe aur chashme daan karti he
The important thing to remember is that what has been set course upon-
reducing corruption-is a journey,not a goal or destination.Whilst
methods like a whistle-blower act(even as a part of Jan Lok Pal)needs
legislative efforts the existing political cabal is unwilling to
effect,putting the brakes on endemic corruption even needs
indoctrination at school-level.The conundrum of chicken-or-eggs
becomes emphasized,as systems meant to facilitate checks and balances-
in every field-have successfully been compromised over 65years.If the
experiment with alternative politics fails,every citizen would be to
blame for staying silent or joining nay-sayers,and not reaching out to
grasp rare opportunities History provides Nations every so often-to
reach for greatness.And,it would be recorded as such!Irrespective of
the outcome for the country,AAP’s tryst with destiny took place when
they took Delhi;and the movement has already earned its place in
history books.Media’s analysis at prime-time and Nay-Sayers’ assessment
that he is going too fast–probably for fear of the Aap syndrome coming
unstuck–are purely semantics,now.
Dear Thomas, I am an ex police officer and I know that we have enough laws and acts to punish the corrupt. Ministers like Raja, Kanimozhe, Lalu, Kalmadi went to jail- but after courts directed police to register the case. No policeman has the courage to register a case against them. We really don’t need lokpal/ayukta for that. Every politician including Kejrival wants police under him. No party wants an upright police like DP but wants a spineless police like UP-Bihar who are ready to lock the feets of the netas.
We have faith in Judiciary becoz it is independent and free from politics. I urge all voters to ask your MP/MLA to implement Police reforms wherein , like judiciary , poolice will be free from political interference and will be governed by a board comprising of CM, leader of opp., DGP, retired judges etc similar to the panel selecting lokpal..
Law Minister Somnath called all the judges to his office- he was bluntly told that this is beyond his jurisdiction. Imagine Law Min actually had the power to call the judges, to transfer, promote them- haad the judiciary been impartial and fair ? NO.
Sir, Totally agree with you. But just to set things right. Some of the world-wide People’s Movements you have quoted are extremely right-wing. Many are racist and sectarian. So it would not be right to put all movements together. But yes people have had enough of Parliamentary Misrepresentation. Anyone who instead of taking up Personal or Coprorate causes; takes up the real issues of the people and consults People on all major issues is a Real representative and is to be appreciated.
I completely agree with this post ,i ‘ve been thinking over the past few weeks what is wrong with the media where its sole focuss has become to criticise AAP n specially Kejriwal in all possible aspect 24X7 ,questioning each n every decision he takes .This is the first time i m really getting suspicious of our digital media.I think they need to introspect themselves if they are going in right direction.
Superb unbiased views
excellent analysis !!
couldn’t agree more.
As an ordinary Indian voter I trust Shri Narendra Modi ji as there is clear proof of growth, law & order etc. in Gujrat over years. As of today he has the best chance to become PM. He may also become a better PM than respected Vajpai ji. These facts too have not been acceptable by many politicians and media groups. They are rather interested in creating & producing their motivated arguments and facts. And similarly I an ordinary voter very much trust Shri Kejariwal ji – the proof that they are not making money despite being in Government is good good enough for me to trust them. I would not want to fall victim to induced self-guilt into my brain of vigilantism etc. by seasoned politicians and motivated groups. Which might well means to cover-up non action of previous rulers. I have experienced lawlessness in Delhi much much prior to Shri Kejariwal ji and atleast today good to see it is amongst his focus areas of work. In my opinion growth and law & order both are equally important and focus to it can be prioritized based on immediate needs or what is degrading fast and judging that may not be rocket science.
The path AAP has chosen is not an easy one by any means and they will also learn on a fast track, better ways of doing things, with their willingness which is there today.
I would have been shaken and surprized if things had not been happening the way they are – especially motivated media with wrested reports and their known unknown bosses. Paid anchors in the race to become first “Indian Frost” poaching for an “Indian Nixon” and expectedly a lack of courage to catch a real one.
Nonetheless the sincere, honest & fact based critisim for AAP is required as much as it is required for any other political party. Supporting blindly to any group may result in unrealistic expectation and loss of faith eventually in the system.
As in AK’s word something divine is happening in this country. The truth will triumph. Amazed at the media’s stand in finding fault with any thing and everything with AK. AAP has brought back the flame in peoples mind about their country. And Politics is now interesting.
An excellent article, this write up needs to be translated in Hindi and other regional languages so that each Indian learns the truth, and how untruthful, biased, vindictive, prejudiced and judgemental the media can be. The fourth pillar is built of sand, how robust can Indian Democracy be? God save our Nation.
Bahut achhe… those who live by media-die by media
When they were nothing, Kejrival & Co. used media for their profile building. Can anyone deny that AAP is what today is solely bcoz of media ? Had they done this in Bhopal, Chennai they would have reached nowhere as there is no national media there…. Even after winning, they used media to gain popularity by declaring populistic subsidy measures even though they had no authority to do so. AAP Ministers called media for their night nautankis. Here things went wrong –
a)It was fount that a court has already indicted law minister and again on courts direction a FIR was filed- media reported. Is it wrong?
b) LOK_”PAL” is a centre issue and has already been passed by Parliament accepted by Anna. In states, its LOK-“AYUKTA”. Why is Kejrival adamant to call it DELHI LOKPAL, Is it wrong on medias part?
c)is it wrong to report that Manish Sisodia has diverted 2 Cr of foreign funds given to his NGO Kabir for his personal use
d) FIR has been lodged against Min Somnath and Kondle MLA Manoj Kumar. Is it wrong to report them?
Kejrival has come to power on negative plank- calling all and sundry corrupt. Now is doing the same to media bcoz they are reporting truth. Kejrival has citicised media, police, judiciary, LG.. everyone.. even his erstwhile friends like Madhu Bhaduri, Kiran Bedi. He says -Hum satta ke liye nahi aaye hai but does very trick in the book to get satta.
Well….the writer is grossly mistaken. It was the same media who painted larger than life picture of these leftist ideologue. So far we are yet to see a single action of these so-called aam-aadmi party and I can bet they will never act. Author fails to realize the role of governance. Is is taking decision which is right or which is supported by many. For example, if we take Delhi results, people did not vote for AAP (the same logic which is used against BJP who got more seats). So to claim that “janta aisa chahti hai” means absolute nonsense. This is the same garbage these jhollawalla NGO-guys use to tell us. Which public they are talking about. Do they comprise of BJP and Congress supporters or not who got more % share in terms of seat proposition. And we are not even discussing about the numerous U-turns (370 page evidence, Bungalow etc.). Frankly no one gives a damn whether he applies for a bungalow or not. But he himself seems to be in confusion. Overall an emotion article without a serious thought.
Media is not to be taken as the last word on any issue. They are controlled by Business Houses, and serve only the growth of the Business Houses. First, they think about TRP through sensationalism, then second thing they prefer destabilizing the governments in power, wherever they are, third-they want business through advertisements so they sometime white-mail and sometime black-mail people/parties.governments and this can be verified that state governments give them huge money for showing the advertisements after they show some negative things about their performances. Uttarkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhyapradesh ads were earned like this. When they wanted to earn from Sheila Dixit, they showed Anna/AAP, now AAP is ignoring them so they are criticizing them. Negativity spreads fast, they know. They are not responsible for defaming India in the world as the most vulnerable place for women, or most corrupt. They are just unable to think about the consequences what they show to earn money through sensationalism.
Excellent article!
Good information. If possible can you also list down the weekly achievements that are accomplished so that we viewers know about it as there are no other way we know about it as all of them are busy pulling AAP down. Also few of the questions asked by the media can be answered via your news letters so people like us have clear clarity or we else we are kept in dark. Appreciate what AAP team is doing so also keep publishing ur achievements as no others will talk about it.
By so vehemently opposing AAP, Arnab Goswami & Co. are robbing the nation to reform itself. AAP has already changed the political discourse, and it deserves to remain alive and active to change the way we think and act.
Yes,good has always prevailed over evil. Concience keeps pricking and surely bursts the countless bubbles of lies.
grit my teeth when the ‘fat cats’ of the media say, ‘the people of India want to know…’
How would they know what the people of India are saying or want to know’?
Yes their minions comb the streets and report what’s taking place, but that ‘Breaking News’ is steeply slanted to please their bosses.
Is there a truly neutral English news channel in India? I’d love to hear from them.
These are teething problems every new political outfit has to face. After all Congress and BJP have also grown facing vigorous criticism over years. A new political elite cannot be accepted easily. After all dogs also bark in unison to protect their territory. Point is not that AAP has been criticized, point is how well have they handled it.
Dear Arvid ji, AAP ka agend to theek hai lekin working ka prosess thik nahi hai, Plz. appoint a personal Political cum Legal adviser to insure (Guide) u, your unmacthure politcal way.and u lanch cooming election (M.P.) candidates only TOP Crrupt Politician every partees in all over india I hope u win all seats and I hope without your support nothing any party forms Central Govt.
The dawn of AK is a golden opportunity for all people to organize, who were feeling helpless against large scale corruption and looting by the elitist politicians of Congress, BJP and some of the leftist oriented parties too. If we waste this opportunity, we will never get rid of this trauma in the future and will continue to wag our tails before those who are corrupt, and powerful.
An excellent article. We need to circulate this!
The media, the public, the opponents should give at least 5-6 months for this government to perform. He is trying to preform. Had he ordered probe against all the scams on Day 1, the media would have cried POLITICAL VENDETTA. If he has taken time to act, it is HAND-IN-GLOVE with Congress. If the media, the public and the opponents have live through the last 65 years, at least they should have some patience.
Hi, I am a supporter of AAp form the very beginning. I hope Mr Kejriwal will admit that Media has a very big role in AAP’s success countrywide. This is true that AAP is being criticized too much. But I trhink there is a reason also. The first reason is AAP is always a threat to the traditional politics and politician’s. So, the’ll obviously try to create criticism. And the second part is the tremendous expectations from AAP. Though we know very wel that nothing is possible overnight. It was always expected that questions will come. But we expect these questions to be answered, not to to hide behind des. I watched Mam Megha Patkad and a formal IPS officer, who support AAP, tried to defend AAP in Times Now Channel. It feels bad wen we see that one of us who supports the party trying so hard to defend their questions, but no official from the party is there. So plz, instead of boycott the media, give a clear answer to the questions they ask. We dont expect AAP to be like the other parties.
AAP has no money to pay for advertisement or to entertain the Anchor. One of the Anchor considers himself re-incarnation of King Solomon. He displays in subtitle “AAP supports Khap”as though other’s do not. Mr.Choutala,Steel magnet Jindal and the chief minister of Haryana,Mr.Hooda also support. Saleman does not give any prominence to these. His brief is only to shoot down the AAP.
AAP also supports Khapp. It will take all steps change the very nature of Khapp.
Saleman has not heard of Moral Rearmament movement which preached that human nature could be changed and was confident sooner or later the mind set of communist would change.This was during peak period of cold war.Today many nations have discarded the communism
Khapp is also made up of human beings and can be changed. Nobody ever tried. AAP will change Khapp,hence it has to support it and not oppose it.
It calls any new move by AAP as drama. People know who is staging a drama and why.
“Vyavastha Parivartan” or System Change that the AAP is undertaking to make the voice of the Aam Aadmi (common people) heard is naturally being opposed by people / entities who have been benefitting from the ongoing system. Please accept the opposition to AAP to further increase as things / issues come to a head.
I do hope that if all right thinking people continue to support the AAP, things will improve. The political discourse in the country has already changed. All major parties are clamouring to be seen as pro-aam aadmi and anti-corruption.
Jai Hind!
The Greatest Interview of the year2014, Hardly one month has passed since the new year began. The interview did not have any substance. Beleiving the advertisement in that channel,” do not miss this, Greatest Interview of 2014″ for previous two days,I eagerly waited for the pre-judged, Pre-glorified interview. It was a damp sqib. Nothing new emerged.Evasive questions and evasive answers.
“The interviewee had not given such an interview for the past 10 years.”the interviewer had announced. After the hearing the interview, one would wish he had continued his silence for another five years. Interviewer was under pressure to make the interview at least somewhat interesting. He is displaying part of it now and then. Poor interviewee!
The main article on the pseudo-journalism which is biased for motivated individual/organisational benefits is amply demonstrated. It is not surprising that supressing the emerging public power with the AAP on the front is the only objective of existing dominated political party and its own managed media group which is evident on day to day debates and nature of TV coverage displayed on 24 hour basis. The major question is whether is it possible that Arvind Kajeriwal and his group with the public support can fight against mighty deep rooted corruption at almost every level of present organizational as well as bureaucracy set up? If we refer to the religious scriptures and the epics it has been demonstrated time and again that Good prevails over the Bad elements after a struggle. The struggle period has started for removal of corrupt and corruption through united activities of AAP and it is the sustainability and determination to succeed in the war against corrupts. History is the witness for emergence of people’s power in French revolution, Indian independence and liberty from the grip of British power from colonial rules of oppression, nepotism and monopoly. Arvind Kajeriwal is only a catalyst for emergence of such revolution of swaraj or independence from corruption in India. People in general the majority are going to be united under the banner to eradicate the evils of corruption sooner or later.
momeNother Sir, Your article is bang on . I want you to emphasise in your next article the following
1) Had media done impartial reporting, it would have covered, AAP s strategy and reasons for taking birth as a political party . How come during the entire one year after it was formed, nothing was reported, the mohalla sabhas that were conducted to ‘ create Delhi manifesto ‘ and door to door campaign by AAP, taking up of social causes in localities , auto sabhas etc etc . The minute they won Delhi polls , media wanted to cover ‘ hero’s success story ‘ . People say AAP should be grateful to media for covering Anti- corruption movement , that’s the pity ..even if lakhs of people converge for anti- corruption, media thinks the public should be grateful., iit took up their cause ! Media has started feeling like God , thanks to the justice ‘ it gave ‘ to the likes of Jessica Lal etc …now latest Damini …it will shamelessly show how Daminis parents are greatful to media for ‘ getting justice ‘ and how they request them to help them till each rapist is hanged ! …can you feel the nausea ?! ..I throw up each time media goes into this mode ..including the Tatum Tejpal case ? ! ..here it feels if not for them , the poor girl would not have dared the monster ! …and I feel sorry about the public that does not want ACCOUNTABILITY FROM THE PRESS ! 2 ) AAP is a political revolution , if media has moral courage to accept it and cover it impartially ..it will save itself from disgrace . Not taken up random incidents like Somnath Bharathi ..to show it has guts to question the hero of the moment. ie AAP !Another fetish of media is to cover the ‘ villain of moment ‘ ..eg Tarun Tejpal , Justice Ganguly and the likes .. in short media covers ‘newmakers’ of day as headlines and then ‘ debates on these headlines ‘ till ….the next newsmaker arrives on the scene ! .. no ground reporting to investigate and present all angles ! ..in Khirkee incident ..media went to area to speak to residents after the ‘ verdict on Somnath Bharathi and AAP ‘ ! ..disgusting journalism indeed !
3 ) Arnab keeps boasting Arvind Kejriwal asked him to cover AAP ( when it was formed ) ..and that he replied ..defiantly that we are here to cover everyone ..( how dare u ask ! ) ..if he interpreted it correctly …he could have reported impartially all the baby steps of AAP till it walked proud as winner in Delhi polls …and taken credit ! …no he chooses to act pompously , its his prerogative what will ‘ befall ‘ whom and when ? ! He is impartial all right …( that he is not in favour of any party ) ..but will he agree that he is playing to a gallery of select audience who want to see Arnab ‘ verbally lynch ‘ the ‘ powerful ‘ ‘ feigning innocent ‘ and ‘ upholders of ideologies ‘ …I think all those who can’t debate but secretly wished they could ….are his,audience ..including the henpecked husbands and ‘ suppressed wives ‘ .. for them Arnabs show gives them their outlet for frustrations and ‘ dreamt version of freedom of expression ‘ ..Arnab is not impartial because HE WORKS FOR TRPS … he is getting psychotic by the day in his obsession ! ( am a doctor : )..so free diagnosis ! )
In conclusion Sir ..U write very well ..so please represent these points in your next article on Media .. am an AAP volunteer ever since it was formed and now a proud member ..am proud to be a part of this second freedom movement . Arvind Kejriwal is my inspiration and he continues to inspire each and every day in my dailyaactivities , personal / professional .
Regards ,
Dr Sridevi G
Dear Mr. Shukla
Congrats for being so forthright and spot on.U have rubbed many the wrong way.
Dignified hypocracy has become the order of the day. And elitists are loving to live with it.
A defunct police force and almost unaccountable beaurocracy and legislature is the legacy that present generation has inherited.Those trying in vain to lable Arvind as anarchist are blissfully or may be delibrately unaware of the fact that what the country is right now witnessing is nothing short of Organised Anarchy.Well done! Look forward to more from u.
All politicians and businesses have their media houses and they are heavily biased. Even saw one channel shamelessly cut off a speaker in a debate on TV under the pretext of ‘technical problems’. The naive may not understand the links between money and the (dis) information and that is why all channels (including print media) need to display their sources of funding and ownership clearly.
When I put this same suggestion elsewhere, the comment was never displayed.
We need AAP TV.
An excellent idea. I fully agree. I have appealed to like-minded AAP supporters to start a venture on co-operative basis soon. May contact me @ [email protected]
The BJP and other parties fill all comment sections everywhere with nonsense and many even have highly biased moderators who even delete a few good comments!
All comment sections on the Internet and social media are filled with nonsense by ‘party workers’ with big budgets.
Watch out! This is what they mean by Modi is Social Media Savvy.
a very well writen article with clear thoughts and nicely brought out. Good , we want many more such articles.
Very well written…..and without bias! The media is continuously spewing vitriol against Arvind Kejriwal and AAP (apart from the vilification by Congress and BJP)….and the intensity with which it is being done only proves “who owns and controls” the media. The congress has put AAP in the driver’s seat and as co-driver,the congress is trying to sabotage the “drive” so that the “AAP car” crashes into the abyss and is finished forever……this was expected.
Congress, BJP, other parties, big business and media are all for the few privileged ones……and they don’t want the AAP experiment which aims at “commune bonum” to succeed. In any case the media will see which side it’s bread is buttered…..earlier they were pro-congress….now that they see this ship sinking, they are latching on to Modi-the rising sun…..it’s disgusting to see them behave like rats. Self-interest is too much of a guiding force in this country……it doesn’t matter what is right and what is wrong!
Excellent Article, very well written and good explanation. The media is one who made AAP where it is today and the same media is now after them. They never ask what others have done in these 67 years of independence but surprisingly want Arvind Kejriwal to deliver every promise within 24 hours. I wonder why media finds faults with every action of AAP. I admire the English Television media in general but I feel sometimes they overreact and especially in case of AAP. I guess all of us need to be more patient. Atleast there is someone finally who cares for the day to day problems of this country and its countrymen.
For our own sake let’s give the “AAP baby” a chance! Only time will tell if it is a “little angel” or the “devil”…..after all for decades we were in a stupor and have “patiently” tried the Big Devils.
Press is undoubtedly biased. Starting from media house ownership to PR budgets of political parties to personal biases of editors and reporters ……..everything we read in newspapers or see on TV has been filtered and polished. You have to read between the lines to make sense of what’s happening.
Thank God for social media. Comments you see on Twitter and Facebook are straight from the horse’s mouth.
AAP & its members have seen the real world through the natural eyes – be it a shiny/ dark/ wet/dry day or night. They have a genuine concern for the real people.The real people do not get bothered or disoriented by these artificially created news as they are focussed on deliverance.
AAP differs from other political party’s on the following:
# It defines objectives, the path and timeline to achieve it ( OTHERS – HOLLOW TALKS AND NO PLAN )
# It shows accountability on it’s objectives from all quarters, including their political rivals, media and the real people( OTHERS – NO BLUEPRINT, NO ACCOUNTABILITY AND NO WORK . FULL FOCUS ON OBSTRUCTING THE GOOD WORK THAT OTHERS DO )
# “I SAY AND I DO”. I ONLY FOCUS ON CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ( Others act as obstacles to progress)
Love thy country, Love thy people – Happiness is just around the corner. Each passing moment is increasing our confidence and belief in AAP.
I absolutely agree with Ajay Shukla. I hardly used to see TV news. After AAP took power in Dehli I am watching everyday. I can see what you wrote in article is perfect analysis and i have the same feeling which I have been sharing with my father. There are 2 govt servent In my home and I can undersatnd in much details how far Modi’s claim are true. People are are follower there are very few who thinks their own. I support Kejriwal and at the same time I have great respect for Kiran Bedi. When Kiran Bedi did not support Kejriwal than It was hard for me too and have suspect that Kejriwal is wrong but careful analysis and lot of reading on inernet help me to conclude that I am a supporter of AAP for whatever they are doing and the way they are coping with Everyone. I salute to Mr. Kejariwal who is real hero and I am sure by my heart he is the person who is going to change the Nation.
I would request all like-minded AAP supporters to have our own TV channel as well as print media on co-operative basis.
I can contribute with my contacts and by raising fund. Any reader or readers who can motivate/influence to have our own Press and channel may immediately get closer with their valuable opinions. You may please mail me , if keen for the project.
Thanks for being with AAP.
[email protected]
Cordial compliments to writer of this excellent article.
No any intelligent and active citizen of country can expect better to best performance from all these so called jurnalist who are totally fail to understand and performs real job function of journalist. Link between corporates house of Gujarat and Mr. Narendra Modi,link between Mr.Shared power and mafia gang, wrong land deal of vadhera Robert,Gujarat’s certain ministers involvement in big scandels,direct or indirect role of Gujarat police and that time ministers in 2002 riots, No
Any active journalist of electronic or print media has gone in the deep to expose any of above.
Media houses are playing a major role in sustaining the corrupt culture of our system. Even today I saw this interview of Anna Hazare ji on India TV by Mr. Rajat Sharma where the anchor is deliberately trying to create problems between the mentor and his student by saying that kejriwal is saying that Anna gave us full support for the jan lokpal bill on which Anna replied that he had spoken to kejriwal and was told that the same bill that was proposed during their agitation day was produced to form. Rajat even tried hard to create rift between the two but to no avail as Anna was really happy to see the newly formed party working culture. Soon after rajat ended the interview as nothing was coming out of it. I can clearly observe how rajat was trying to manipulate things. He even tried to wash his sinful image on one of his popular show where salman khan was called for interview. During the interview salman told the people how rajat worked hard to taste the success in his life and how he became popular among the viewers.
Well, it doesn’t matter how far he came in his life, the question must be how did he manage to do so? He’s surely not a loyalist though may be hard working. Even earlier I was not that much of a news watcher but the moment AAP has emerged as a evolving political party, I started making notes of day to day activities of not just the party but also started observing the behavioural change of other parties and some media personnels.
Really Good Article. I was just searching for which newspaper is Pro-congress and which one is pro-BJP, Just ran into this.
All these famous journalists who think that they are unbeaten just because they know how to sit in the chair and grill the opposite person, they have all lost their integrity as journalists, they have forgotten the meaning of journalism. Media is obviously very powerful weapon but it is being misused at various instances.
I wish atleast one journalist reads this comment because i want to tell those sitting in the chair that, “you will pee your pants the day you find a truthful person sitting opposite you, you are not the only griller in the world”. And arvind kejriwal is one such person.
Media now a days has became a gossiping point only. Lack of immaturity can be easily seen. they twist the words to make spicy news out of normal one. Arvind Kejriwalji is doing what we always thought of but were not having courage to initiate. this is same as everybody wanted a freedom but were not as courageous as Gandhiji. At least now we can support him to support and save our nation.
Agree completely. Have been meaning to write on this but i think you have clearly done a far better job of expressing this. The media by virtue of being controllrd by capitalists is prt of the crony capitalists-netas-babus nexus. Its rather unfortunate that the deemak of corruption and money power has rotted out all the pillars of democracy including the judiciary and the fourth estate, as is now visible. Having taken on now all the BIGWIGS(netas, babus, industrialists, police, media, ) AAP and Kejri at the least deserve the support of the ordinary citizens for whom they hv taken on this big fight in the first place. If we get misled by all this propoganda we only will be the fools and the losers.
The facts are absolutely true. But neither old political parties nor these media people want that you should succeed. That is why all sort of hue and cry is made by them.The media which is called the 4th pillar of Democracy has sold its IMAAN and is doing more harm to the nation by misinterpreting and black mailing than supporting the facts. It has become totaly commercialised and always worry for its TRP .Do not be dishearted. Learn to listen barking without distracting like an elephant. Keep your aim at bird”s eye. God bless you. You must succeed.
Check why Mrs. sonia Gandhi photo should appear at the top corner of advertisement “Bharat Nirman” because the advertisement is purported to be sponsored by Government of India and not by Congress Party.
The last few years I did not bother if I ever spent enough time with my kids, but made sure I watched Times Now – with Mr Arnab. for the simple reason I felt that he was a smart and a serious journalist trying to make India a better place by his efforts but I am Very sorry to say that in the last few weeks I am made to feel that I have wasted all my precious time with TIMES NOW – with Arnab where as I could have spent with my kids for the simple reason that he and his channel are so very biased against AAP and with Mr Kejriwal that he only find faults and keeps cribbing about petty things.
I would like to ask TIMES NOW and Mr Goaswamy as to what has he to say for the PARTIES like CONGRESS and BJP, now he will come out with we are here to ask questions bla bla bla. But my dear friend come-on, give some time to Mr Kejriwal and his team and they will do and go where no other political party as ever gone the right path and the right place. Just for your info. Mr Goaswamy I am an NRI and love my country and hate the way the politicians have gone about their duties. For once we see a clean man with the right ideas and most importantly who is there leaving his comfortable simple life and is out there fighting to make the COMMON MAN’S LIFE better and you guys are all out to get him on the mat flat and kill the opportunity for the chance for CHANGE. All that is requested of the media and specially Mr Goaswamy is give the right people the right chance and see how is works wonders for yourself and your family and the country on the whole.
Its been ages since I heard from you Mr Goaswamy – one right thing about this man “Arvind Kejriwal’ where as he has only done the right things which no POLITICIAN IN THE PAST HAS EVER DARED TO DO IN THE FIRST MONTH IN OFFICE. So sir sit down and relax and let this GREAT MAN DO HIS JOB and offcourse you can get back to doing your job in a better way.
A childish article, similar to the childish behavior of AAP it intends to defend. First of all, This is about AAP, not Kejriwal. But quite foolishly, AAP is quickly turning into a one-person party, not much different than Mamata’s TMC or Mulayam’s SP.. ehh?
1. The media has never accepted Kejriwal. – Had Media not supported AAP, not carried the stories (and still continuing) on front pages, most people wouldn’t know about AAP. No surprise, most people don’t know about AAP outside few cities, where AAP has been really visible. However media cannot be blamed for scrutinizing the expectations AAP has created for itself.
2. Kejriwal accepted the challenge but is being condemned for it. – Wake up. Nobody is condemning Kejriwal for forming the government. But the way AAP is trying to run the government, that is certainly not a good way. You certainly don’t want both government and opposition on the roads doing ‘dharna’ agaonst each other, do you. You want someone to take the baton and run the things, not just keep blaming everyone else.
3. This is not vigilantism. Vigilantism is what MNS and SP goons are doing in UP and Bombay, but our TV channels let them off with brief mentions, reserving their vitriol for the AAP. – Really?? AAP trying to turn every small issue into a potential flash point is not vigilantism? Mr Bharti trying to mo his way into Khirki Extn is not vigilantism? And for Media’s coverage, it is in proportion to the expectations from respective parties. People know and expect the SP and MNS to behave like goons. Should they have similar expectations from AAP? Then whats the difference between MNS/SP and AAP?
4. Speakers on panel discussions who support the AAP position are either shouted down, intimidated, lectured to or simply have the mike taken away! – Again.. really?? Last I checked, it has been AAP who has been trying to shout down opposition by saying ‘whoever is not with us, is against aam aadmi’. And for the public debates, the videos are available to all to make their own opinions. If AAP representative have not done their homework and don’t have much to add to conversation, it certainly cannot be termed as media’s failure.
I am myself an AAP supporter, and would like them to be successful for the good of our country. But past few weeks have been disappointing. AAP has so far acted in an immature fashion pretty much on every single issue. I, personally place a lot of importance on the conduct of a political party, especially AAP. While the conduct of other parties is absolutely bad, AAP’s conduct so far has not been anything to boast about either. They need to learn fast on how to put good governance examples in front of the ‘aam aadmi’.
Last time when public brought anti-congress Janata Party government to power in 1977 and they failed to deliver, it took approx 20 years and a very polarized and radical idea (Ram Janm Bhoomi) to get people to look beyond Congress. AAP has a lot of responsibility on their shoulders and of their own choosing. They must respect the law, and do some good work, rather than just show-off dharnaas and public statements.
We should ask these facts through our spokesperson in a tv program from the anchors of all the channel shows to expose their intention being created by false propoganda .–A K Sinha
Dear mr. Shukla,
Very well argued. But some corrections. The Hindu of Chennai, owned by Kasturi and Sons Ltd, is not CPM leaning. Only N. Ram was and is a CPM cardholder, and the original cadillac communist. Though even his communist doctrines are decided purely by corporate interest! In fact most of the Hindu’s family children studied in Western Europe, U S, or in Australia. Even Ram’s daughter.
The Hindu was never orginally with Kasturi and Sons. They were originally promoted by four radical freedom fighters and law students, whose contributions have completely erased. In 1905, Kasturi Ranga IYENGAR, (pls note the clan, since they were the same clan that collaborated with Robert Clive and actively supported the East India Company Ltd. Kasturi Ranga Iyengar purchased the paper from a debt ridden Veeraraghavacharriar, for a sum of Rs 75000/- in 1905. That was a large amount in those days even for a lawyer. Interestingly, after the change in management, The Hindu ceased to become anti-British newspaper. They continued that way even after Independence. A case in point was the coverage of Mahatma Gandhi’s assasination of January 30, 1948. The january 31 edition of all the newspapers across the world carried the story as a lead or at least as a front page. For The Hindu, this event was just an obituary! Essentially The Hindu has never been anti-establishment and has served corporate or feudal interests in the country !
Plight of Indians is that they like sensationalisation of everything and Indian Media capitalises on this. Jo Dikhta hai Woh Bikta hai.
Anyways, I am not a writer but can write 10 pages on this.
Must say whatever is written in this piece of news/article/blah blah blah is worth reading and accepting that this is a fact.
If Indians want to disregard this info, then GOD SAVE US. Let them rule us who have exploited us to the roots and have made our minds alike as well.
Probably Indians dont want to come out of their comfort zones.
Anyways, I think this is enough from a AAM AADMI.
Dear Mr Shukla,-
I applaud you for your detailed and correct analysis on how damaging the Media is being to The Change, time for which has come and the seed sowed by Mr Kejriwal. I am no admirer of any political party or personality but of a cause, I certainly am , only I donot have the courage and fortitude to go all hog as Mr Kejriwal is doing. He needs to be supported for doing and putting into action, all people like us who talk of change, corruption , a weak police and still do nothing about it, nor do we have the moral strength to stand behind someone who at least is trying his best to act upon what he preaches and feels. Many a educated lot in the country are waist down into corruption and follow its path to derive personal benefits and gains, the whole life style in this country has got polluted with khao aur khilao and have got used to the idea that you have to warm up a palm to get things done, so much so, judiciary is also involved and so are the law makers, the so called parliament full of people awaiting conviction for serious crimes of all kinds–how can such a society ever support a well meaning simpleton–KEJRIWAL–it is not a joke or limelight seeking to sleep out on the road in a peaceful dharna with below 10 degrees centigrade and despite the fact that he is diabitic and asthametic. How many Congress or BJP stalwarts have done it except thos who fought for the Freedom movement–that was teh congress then and compare it to the Congress now–what a change for self centredness to the politics of good governance then and Nehrus vision and image and all those then in Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lala Lajpat Rai, Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad, etc etc.
I would say 60 years and Both Conress and BJP have done nothing but taken the country down hill on the road to a lawless society, communal politics, reservations, freebies, discrimination–give all three new comers Modi, Kejriwal and Rahul, a chance now and let us see who of the three does something and th Indians decide to retain him in power or reject–how come NO Woman is Coming up after all that cry and demand of equal rights, equal opportunities–why can a woman not take up leadership for THE Chyange or is that they want to follow only and not take the lead–here is a chance–grab, women, grab and prove that you can lead and believe me–you can and perhaps would do better than the male politicians we had–did not the IAS young lady in UP not prove it. Time to overhaul the system and bring in a revolution of CHANGE, not for the sake of it but because it is so much the need of today in Today’s India!
The last few weeks have witnessed a very disturbing trend of the media – (newspapers and t v).In an almost diabolical and sinister move that seems to smack of a relentless drive to finish off the AAP through subtle and blatant means, we have seen the media sit as judge and jury. They have taken great pleasure in demolishing any voices that support a balanced view-point.
It almost seems that very powerful forces are working behind the scene to crush any semblance of free speech.There is no patience to hear and understand another way of looking and dealing with situations.
This trend, whether against an individual or group is disturbing, because it makes any citizen vulnerable to the powers that be. That person could well be you or me. It seems the arrogance of the media is keeping step with that of the established politicians.
We are looking for a media that can move out of the domain of political influences and money power, and provide people with honest reporting.
The writer is not a member of any political party but supports a radical shift in thinking to achieve a corruption free, compassionate country.
I forgot to comment our so called free media, so to say–freedom of speech does not mean –arrogance, imposing your views or your masters, or acting above the jurisdiction of the highest court of law–it is the indian media which is the enemy within to India’s soverignity, integrirty, secular nature and cultural identity– they are experts in chasing a red herring and not discuss issues in great depth and analysis and if they ask a question , are itching to answer it themselves for they think they kniow it all, and if so, then why ask –media is to put across to society, the views of all without their own opinions or bias and let the people decide— if you ask a question then be prepared to listen to the answer—all the anchors are snubbed almost daily by the panelists on the same but they are so full of themselves, that they are shameless now –be it rajdeep or arnab or rahul or barkha or saagrika— all learned people but immatured news anchors who do not know what freedom of speech means and the responsibility of the media to place to the people what irs right for the country and what could be wrong and then let them decide–it is for them to put across facts and not personal opinions or likes and dislikes—is so apparent how they have been trying to ridicule the AAP and Kejriwal and how they fear the Lords of mafia–the Congress and BJP. The people of this country are no more foolish and never were and can see through the media thus their predictions go topsy turvy–they act like commercial fim directors, trying to sensationalise —not act like matured media persons whom the country can look up to– for objectivirty and facts—if 30 minutes are too little for debates, extend the sliots to 45-60 minutes for more than 60 minutes becomes a monotonous exercise.but for God sake mange panelists for it is a fish market where all scream together in hysteria and no one is indeed heard or able to get his voice across–when would we, as people learn to speak one at a time and to listen to others–what you want to say is known to you, you are there to put across your point and listen to others views, not to be part of a mad crowd. More so how come the media brings the same faces on all the cahnnels daily–in a country of over a billion, the people want to see new faces for each programme and different faces for the same programme on different channels—not the same man or woman, by looking at them , one can predict the view point and not an objective remark or comment or a truthful reply—we as a nation have to learn abot the media , its power and force and how to use it to the advantage of a nation, not agianst it or against oneself.. The Indian Anchors are yet to grow up to be men and women of substance–they are right now all along with their panellists a pack of jokers!!!
I as an Indian , have no respect for our news media and how can we be civilised when in todays age, we still garland statues and glorify film personalities as celebrities–celebrities are people like gandhi, nehru, Indira, sardar patel, bhagat singh, Old freedom fighters and Politicians of the pre Sixties, the Then Service Chiefs, not the ones of today –the best service Chiefs era ended with Manekshaw, Raina, Thimmaya, Perera, Bhagwat , Arjun Singh and their contemporaries , now we have weaklings in the likes of Kapoors, Vij, JJ, Bikram Singh and others to follow. . Emminent celebrities were Acharaya Vinobha Bhave, Premchand, the former ICS Officers not todays IAS who are all opportunists making big bucks as our parliamentarians do, President Kalam, Geet Sethi, the Billiards Champion, Palkiwala, Justice Chagla, Milkha, PT Usha, Dyan Chand, tendulkar, gavaskar, Bhutia, Virender, sushil, kapil dev, Dhoni, not people like sarukh, salmaan, Katrina ertc etc who cannot act but are worshipped for their earnings for a job overpaid highly and we endorse it as people–actors were Prithvi raj, Guru dutt, Amitabh, Madhuri Dixit , Sunil Dutt , Nargis, Waheeda, Devanand, Dilip Kumar, manoj kumar, Pran , raajkumar, Rehman, Om Prakash, Shabaana , Meena Kumari, Smita patil etc and they do not seek cheap popularity as the breed of todays cinema does and then it was people in cinema who were dignified and had grace and deserve adulation but our news channels are running all over the cinema world and invite them to conclaves–have yet to see one war hero a PVC invited to any of the conclaves of India today or hindustan times. This country is full of people who have got the nation glory, fame and a reckoning in the world in whatever field they were in, how come it is only the Hollywood that impresses our politicians and Newsmakers on news hours and the E night programmes that follow—the news channels are so naive that they are unable to make programmes or interview the men and women who made India strong and put it on a high pedestal.
I ask of myself why is it that our women socialists and reformers and the women activists and magazines have never glorified the woman who is a home maker, raises a family with values and gives up everything to give to india a society that she so much needs which can respect human values or is it that only women who make big bucks matter to society–that is one reason why there are so many loose missiles floating around, ill bred, ill brought up, and coming from broken or non-functuional homes, wondering about indulging in crime, rapes, drugs, immoral acts and does the media ever take up that to be the root cause of a society degenerating???–Is it not time to respect non -working mothers as the pride of our nation, not to say that working women are not, but donot neglect the home maker in our obsession for the working woman!
may hu aam admi
I really appreciate your efforts to pen down everything in such a manner that anybody can understand it. I am a big admiror of AAm AADMI PARTY. Keep writing, you are an insipration.
I totally agree with mr Shula . The media is sold out and therefore to expect it to be fair to Kejriwal or AAP is pipe dream . The Hindi anchors are a little fair but not the elitist English media . Every honest thinking Indian has welcomed coming of AAP and will cont doing so .
Thanks all the same for making my day
Gen Gupta
The analysis of the modus operandi of AAP is outstanding.The above posts mirrors the fact that still some of the media personnel is genuine & authentic in factfinding & reflecting the true scenario of the prevailing socio-political conditions in the country.
I feel from the heart bottom that the article”THE DEMONIZATION OF KEJRIWAL – HAS THE MEDIA GOT IT ALL WRONG?” needs to be circulated,broadcasted & discussed to every nook & cranny of our country.
Thanks a lot.
The English media which pretends to sit on a high moral platform prosper at the mercy of major political parties and illegally get major perks and privileges from these parties. Further the English media has strong belief in GOEBBEL’s theory and practice this theory 24*7.
Thank you.
The freedom that our freedom fighters fought for is not this freedom, where the mighty and the powerful bulldoze the weak and helpless. It’s a real disgrace that all the major political party’s are guilty of this. The APP is a breath of fresh air and deserves all the support and help.
They have no media support as that too is with the “mighty”. Ultimately the truth will prevail.
I feel ashamed to be in a country where the media can be so easily bought.
AK was never a good serving officer – he took forged leave. Cheated the Government.
Got his fame thought Anna. Created confusion in the team – then split to form political party – cheated Anna.
He misused Anna’s Name. Once Anna questioned him – his supporters defamed Anna.
Though Anna succeeded in passing Lokpal bill – you want to keep lokpal issue alive to win your polls.
Through Referendum he accepted the support of Congress/Corrupt party and Became CM.
As CM – his governance was
Supporting unruly Minister – Dharna on supporting his action of harassing foreign national women and against the police who stood by laws.
Daily Political stunts like Jantha Dharbar, Anti Corrution toll etc.
As Loksabha is heading – AK took his main weapon (JanLokpal) again. As he wanted to prepare for Loksabha – he introduced the JanLokpal bill without the consent from LG and did not even show copy to other MLA’s. When other parties were telling to follow the procedure to pass the bill – he introduced the JanLokpal bill in unconstitutional way so that they wont support him. And once they disagreed – He quit. – Cheating the people.
You can cheat all people for some time and some people for all time, but not all people for all time. That is not possible.
Lol at this article !!
It’s a typical AAP supporter attitude to blame all the failures of the 49 day AAP fiasco (not worthy of being even called government) on the media!!
Was the media stopping AAP from performing it’s legislatively mandated duties ? no. Did the media ask AAP to make wild promises to the people before elections ? no. Is it the media’s fault that rapes and power cuts continue in Delhi during the AAP government ? No.
Worst of all the AAP has no national policy. It’s leaders talk about referendum on Kashmir and then retract. It has no manufacturing or defence policy. Just riding the bogey of corruption is not going to float your boat for very long . It’s an important issue but hardly the only important one.
Mr modi has proven himself at the city and state level before going to the federal level. Kejriwal on the other hand seems to be in a greedy hurry to grab national power. I am sorry the people of India will not act as stupid as the people of Delhi did.
Jai Hind !
Thank you.True reflection of fourth pillar of democracy.
Both the owners of media and the media is not realizing, more they crtiticize Arvind Kejriwal and try to open/expose him, in that process BJP and Congress gets exposed more than him and his image gets improved in a common man’s mind. Keep up these efforts of trying to tarnish his image more and more so that in that process even others gets exposed and AAP comes out clean. But at least increase the level of decency and intellectual levels of the debates. People like Avadh, Sanjay Nirupam, Mukesh Sharma, cannot improve the levels of such debates…they feel that they are in parliament or assembly and just raise their voices and raise totally irrelvant points to dodge streight questions. I/we dont expect decency and professional ethics from anchors like Arnab Goswami and Rahul Kanwal. Though Rajdeep tries to not to show the embarassment on his face by putting the face down when he asks some question which he really doesnt want to. That do speak volume, Rajdeep even when you dont say it!!!
Thnx Mr. Shukla for bringing up the real face of Indian media. Very thorough analysis of what it’s actually going in our country today. I whole heartedly support your views. You are right the media houses and our so called intellectuals are creating confusion and doubt in people’s mind fearing their irrelevance if AAP’s movement becomes a success. They are trying everything to derail this people’s movement by spreading lies. All mainstream political parties are fighting for their very existence because they don’t want to change. They are fearing of becoming irrelevant if AAP succeeds in bringing in change this doing everything and anything to stop them.
In Arvind , I Trust. I Support AAP to the core.
I just love the way some administrative officers (some revenue service officers also) are capable of trotting out glib lies without a blush.
2 months ago, AAP and Kejriwal were claiming all credit for media focus on Anna Hazare anti-corruption movement, and tweeting merrily that the old man would have been nothing except for Shre Shri Kejriwal Sir. Now you are claiming media has been only persecuting AAP since times immemorial!
The logic of AAP is simple – it’s a rag-tag bunch of entitled leaders who want more, riding the frustration and anger people feel at misgovernance, but I see most educated and experienced people have left AAP, and the core group remains of book-reading, low-real world knowledge class.
GOod attempt at trying to justify confused leaders, bad at governing to win some LS seats to extract your pound of flesh in a divided parliament – well indians across the country have seen through this game regional parties have played in Parliament, and it’s not going to happen in 2014, as the 4 states’ elections showed.
Time for me to get back to sanity. Ciao.
Very well written article! It was long overdue that someone would write in favour of AAP. Mr Kejriwal is a fearless and upright man which is evident from his interviews. How many ministers do we know who have left lucrative posts for principles. We want to see principled and honest people at the helm of affairs but over the years for paucity of genuinely good and honest leaders we have become disillusioned. We are happy with the make believe world around us and averse to any event which forces a change. Mr Kejriwal is that event which is forcing everyone out of their comfort zone. He has forced the pessimists to believe that yes there are honest people who are equally courageous and intelligent to outsmart the bad people. For me he is a messiah who is gaining in strength every single day and its not long before these corrupt and communal forces will be forced to change their discourse or be left to rot in one corner of history. Jai Hind
Only conclusion,india media not only sold cheaply ,we are waiting for placard out side each media office Grand discount sale . Result can be no takers soon.
Thank you so much for all the information…totally support AAP
I am not against media… Only because it was media who brought kejriwal to spotlight and it became a household name…all supported Kejriwal because he was going to bring down electricity bills ..increase water supply per household and many many very good promises like any other politician before coming to power.only thing was people trusted him for his clean image and will to do good things for common man.
.but when in power he just became self centered and never did what all he said before polls…and to top it ran away for more such tamashas in lok sabha polls
The media’s gameplan became obvious immediately after the Anna Hazare fast in
August 2012 when the Congress led UPA was stripped of its stated resolve to fight corruption in high places – with its sham antics to appease, cajole, corrupt, threaten and finally demonise Anna Hazare through the media. The fourth pillar of our democratic system, which till August ’12 was all over Hazare in admiration of his anti-corruption conviction, suddenly turned critic with a spate of “revelations” against him – and one must be truly naive and daft to believe the ruling Establishment did not have a hand in giving the media a hand to bite the hand that gave it its legitimacy! And the systematically played out charade of bringing the maverick Arvind Kejriwal to his ‘senses’ by a pliant media was a no brainer. Avay Shukla’s mention of the ownership pattern of the media giants (including Tehelka and NDTV) shows the devious influence of the powers that be on the socalled guardians of our faith in democracy. Every political bigwig has a finger in the media pie through proxy. And that is why the media in India is but an apology for Big Business and the Political Establishment of the day. But he also should have made a reference to politicians’ wives and girlfriends in the media, who add to the nefarious influence of a political configuration that has long gone sour with the Indian citizen. It is only poetic justice that this concoction should be put to sleep once and for all; and as for the media, no one will regret its demise, considering the honesty with which it has lived out its life. Yet, one can be sure that like the proverbial cat it will come back to life, once again licking the feet of its new masters, whoever it is!
A refreshing read..regarding people saying media being responsible for giving media mileage to AAP..would like to clarify, it was not the media who put focus on them, it was the people who wanted him on their screen and media had to comply
Every point here is very valid. Only thing forgotten is the media taking lightly the slapping of a Cong MP by Jairam Ramesh, the honble minister. Can the media compared it to Bharti episode.
Very well said…
Lesson no 1 Moral of the story who ever stands against or have a different opinion from AK is corrupt.
Lesson no 2 We don’t give up on anything without a final verdict be it Anna revolution or Dharna then howcme CM’s Post? we have larger plans!!
Lesson no 3 We have learned the art of the best campaign- “word of mouth Campaign” remember No publicity is bad, a tweet which says I will strip if India wins,made someone trending in social media and later a movie at her disposal, similar is AAPs strategy we use Big names and talk shows to stay on spot light, and same medium to cover up all blunders what we have done in past. and then you call media corrupt?
Just one question – if you think Media is so corrupt why don’t you boycott Media??
don’t tell me to clean up politics we entered politics and now we are coming on television to clean up screens .. ..
Guys don’t just read the offer documents carefully before investing,- understand it too… .
Good luck to US
Wonderfully written, well crafted words. AAP is to be admired and supported. In the world where Media, Business Gods and Political Big WIgs wants to bring down AAP its our responsibility to stand behind a party which has moral, ethics and values. I salute AAP and Kejriwal.
Letter sent to the media:
Dear Sir,
The darkest era of our so called democracy is upon us. No, it is not politicians disrupting parliament, MPs brandishing weapons, papers being torn and strewn in the faces of opponents, murderers, thugs and rapists in parliament.
The darkest part is the role of the media – television and print. The role of the fourth estate was meant to report situations unfolding in the country, WITHOUT BIAS. It seems, however, that some editors and owners of the media have sold their souls to power, greed and personal gain – judging from the very one-sided reporting and war on the Aam Aadmi Party and particularly Arvind Kejriwal.
Perhaps they may take a lesson from Machiavelli – “The more you criticize without reason, the more popular you make the person and expose your own selves”.
Throughout the world old orders are changing; entire populations are becoming more ‘aware’. There will always be those who cling on to the familiar, refuse to accept and see – that thinking and living out of the box is the need of the hour. Technology has spread the change rapidly and exposed old ways of manipulations and deceit.
Media can become part of the change or remain in their decrepit little house, serving their masters….until it crumbles….
We believe the media will rise to the responsibility it shoulders, and that there can and will be a turn around, and that fair reporting will prevail.
Do you agree?
Suchitra Nair,
Philip Martis,
Kiran Martis
This has been the most sincere article ever I have read..a true reflection of facts as any body following politics in India would have felt…THANKS
This article is the only which Shows the heart of the Aravind bhai which want to work to save the country, swipe out the corruption in all sector, give the real democracy to the people of this country. Hope by this article many blindly believed corrupted parties followers eyes will open. If not so it will be never.
To compare AAP in any way to ultra-right-wing and plain neo-fascist movements like FN (what’s “inimitable” about Marine Le Pen?), UKIP and other such european groups or the US “Tea Party” either reveals the author’s complete ignorance of what these movements stand for, or, if it’s not ignorance, throws a very bad light on him… Is he himself an ultra-right-wing nationalist? Or does he think the AAP is? If at all, these groups would be more akin to VHP or RSS than to the AAP.
D. F.
The point, Mr. Fuchs,is not whether these European/ American parties are right or left of the centre: the relevant point is that these ” insurgent” parties, like the AAP, are an expression of the anger against the establishment, the frustration at the conduct of the mainstream political parties, the status quo which appears to benefit only those who have made the existing system their own. Local issues will no doubt differ but the essence is similar. Another thing they have in common with the AAP is their lack of a clear cut ideology of governance, which will no doubt emerge with time and the responsibility that comes with power. They all represent a significant percentage of the populations of their countries and cannot be either wished away or disposed off by rantings and condemnation( which is all too implicit in your comment): the establishment, which includes the mainstream media, will have to learn to deal with them for they are harbingers of inevitable change.
I’m afraid your comparison remains as factually wrong as it is generally questionable, to put it quite mildly. Neiter are the movements you name here (without explaining the ultra-right-wing bias or your odd fascination with M. Le Pen) “insurgents”, nor are they the “harbingers of inevitable change”. On the contrary, they are nothing but reactionary and xenophobic neo-fascists diguising as political parties. They represent the absolute worst of the worst in European politics, and have no merit or moral integrity whatsoever. Most of these should be fought on a legal level rather than a political one, esp. in Germany…
While the “Tea Party” may not be outright neo-fascist, it is also the opposite of an “insurgent” movement – or if, then its one that is massively funded (if not founded) by the same “establishment” you claim it is out to fight, again the worst of the worst of its kind, see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendan-demelle/study-confirms-tea-party-_b_2663125.html
None of this is true of the AAP, whose origins may be closer to the worldwide “Occupy” movement than to the retrograde extremist scum that you consider to be related to “change”.
The main problem with your comparison is the strong bias towards the extreme right, which leads me to questioning your own motives and/or apparent lack of knowledge of US/European poitics.
This media frenzy is known phenomenon to any change in status quo. It is well known that all media are bought and serve only a few. Hats off to AAP for their work and courage!
Thank you sir.I appreciate your efforts to educate people.
This article just smells of cribbing and hiding the misdeeds of the AAP govt.
Its just the media because of which AAP stands where it is today. Media has gone over board to provide oxygen to this thugh. Till the time media was praising Them, it was fine but when their short comings and lies were exposed, they are now cribbing.
Grow up AAPards
Aap and kejriwal are too smart than any of us.Before jumping onto the national scene they should have proven their ability to govern. What they have done instead is create headline grabbing tactics every day for 49 days ,hood winking the public by giving doles so that their image and winnabilty increases for gen election.They are the poster boys of misgovernance,live on media oxygen, have no vision for even a small state like Delhi. Voting for aap is commiting harakiri for the country. Beware and wake up my fellow Indians!
Well media was all praises of Aap before elections remember his smiling picture disconnecting the meter.Mr kejrival said that he will not accept the support of Congress or Bjp.Well as you have said he cant tell the speaker not to accept the support of Congress.Well once he laid claim to form the govt then congress supported him.He should not have laid the claim to form the Govt.As for dharna was concerned it was to get few cops posted/dismissed.By blaming every body saying that I have been told so but not subsanting his charges.Any person can understand that one can’t change a system overnight. He was given a chance which he should have utilised but his eye’s were on loak sabha pole so he was trying to force the congress to withdraw support. When congress did not obliged him then he created a situation to quit,
It is an eloquent defence of AAP but not a charitable reference to others.If relatives of
politicians are engaged in busness concerns that does not mean they came up only
because of their connection.Even father and son,husband and wife differ in their views.
Produce more proof to sustain your comments.Otherwise it is petty fogging only.
Once a person is a party supporter, he offers a passionate defence for his party, come what may.
It was very emphatically in evidence during the Karnataka State elections.The BJP govt of the state had by all standards exceeded the average citizens generous tolerance for corruption and nepotism.However BJP supporters went and voted for that Govt, while roundly criticising the UPA at the centre for corruption.
AAP produces the same effect on its increasing fan following, irrespective of the fact that Kejriwal in his short stint as CM of Delhi showed very little understanding of the constitution, governance, rule of law, economics, and the mechanism and management of change.
Like the Pied Piper of Hamlyn, he played a music that struck at the sympathetic chords of the sensitive clean up brigade and common people disenchanted with main stream parties.
If he had persisted and remained in power, Delhi would have been struck by catastrophic economic and social pressures, that would have been difficult to contain.
We see it all across the world, many inspiring movements are on, tried and tested, but failed to resolve the problems they set out to solve.
In Ukraine the Orange movement had a shot at power for a term but failed to deliver.They are back with a vengeance again, having toppled the pro-Russian leaning President .The Arab spring is another.The Anna movement was another, Kejri being the direct beneficiary.
Kejri is good news and bad news, like the Anna movement was too.
The good news is that it awakens the masses to the ills of the society that we live in-and corruption and crony capitalism are real problems.
However it takes anarchist forms, in the hands of people like Kejri, Anna etc.
Kejri brings to the debate an Income Tax officers view-“everybody is unclean and needs to be punitively taxed is the mantra.”
The management of change is vital ingredient. It took Poland 15 to 20 years to replace the governance systems it inherited.It cannot be done in weeks or months.
Kejri brings a definitely fresh air to the debate and many of his views will be sound in principle.
Like Modi and Sonia, Kejri definitely address the part problems that afflict the nation.
I agree with V Krishnamoorthy’s comments in broad terms.
“So when Arvind Kejriwal questions the bias shown by various Corporate backed media houses in their reporting of News, he is accused of Attacking the Media. So by that brilliant logic, questioning the corruption of politicians is equivalent to attacking Political structure of India. Questioning match fixing in cricket is equivalent of attacking the game of Cricket and Questioning the crony capitalism of Industrialists is equivalent to attacking the very concept of Business. Oops I just attacked the Media!” – Khalid Baig
Indeed , this is the most appropriate n sensible article l have ever read n l do hope the contents of this article will be publisied in all the news papers so that all English news channels editors (spl. Mr.Arnab) n others may compell to rethink “AAP’s” integrity and honesty . “JAI HIND”.
Well it’s visible to everyone now that Media has sold them well ! May be at very good price !!
Well we can’t blame a dog if he is barking for the one who feed him that well !!
Arnab Goswami had clarified why he did not ask about Robert Vadra – simply because Robert Vadra and Priyanka were sitting in the same studio where the interview was conducted!
A balanced and objective article but seriously why did AK plunge into national politics ? And why is he contesting from Benares ? He had all the chances of beating GOLIATHS had he stuck to Delhi! Sadly he blew it ! I wish him well but vigilante style politics best left to MNS SP & BSP
It is not compulsory for an MLA to renounce his vidhan sabha seat to contest in the lok sabha elections. Then why would kejriwal, already the CM at that time choose to resign a job full of perks and fight for Varanasi?
He resigned thinking that the Delhi re elections would be organized along with the lok sabha elections which as everyone knows did not happen due to various reasons. He was confident that he would get an absolute majority in the succeeding elections since the people had started liking him by then. Hence he resigned. This was helped by the fact that the congress and the bjp refused the tabling of the Jan lokpal bill.
And it course, you always have the central government to screw stuff up and delay the elections.
Superb article. A detailed line of genuine thoughts.