
Media Law In The Digital Age


Presently the world including India is at a juncture where there is a growing conflict between groups supporting complete freedom of speech without any regulations and the governments which want certain degree of control over the content being distributed to the public.

Delhi – The City Of Honey Badgers


New Delhi – From being the centre of Mughal culture, British imperialism and old world gentility it has now become some kind of smorgasbord of the worst qualities of its neighbouring states, the arrogance of power, the corrupting influence of money, and the unruliness of millions of migrants who have no stakes in the city.

Budget 2014 – Short-Changing The Environment


During his election campaign and even after assuming office Mr. Modi has spoken about establishing a Council of Himalayan States to evolve a more specific planning model for them so that their environmental concerns could be addressed.

So Mr. Modi’s announcement was certainly no charity for the Himalayan states. But the Finance Minister made no mention of this Council in his budget.

Now state-sponsored corruption in Uttarakhand


Corruption has taken a new leaf in Uttarakhand. It is now state-sponsored corruption, if the manner in which land has been acquired in the past in the garb of industrializing this small hill state and given to private builders for peanuts, who have then sold it at sky-high prices. But no one has battered an eye-lid.