Shimla: State vigilance and anti-corruption bureau today nabbed Sanjay Gupta, senior IAS officer and another unnamed official of General Industries Corporation with Rs 2 lakhs at Parwanoo and have registered a case under prevention of corruption act at Vigilance and Anti Corruption police station, Solan.
Senior IAS officer Sanjay Gupta and another official of GIC have been caught with Rs 2 lakh, said SR Mardi, IG Vigilance.
“A case has been registered under prevention of corruption act in vigilance and anti-corruption police station Solan,†he said.
Police officials are tight lipped about the investigation, saying that the investigation was going on and details would be only disclosed after it was completed.
Following registration of a case, the officials are likely to be arrested later in the evening, sources disclosed as the case is not a cognizable one.
Sources disclosed that the officials were nabbed in relation to a liquor manufacturing unit at Parwanoo, which is run by General Industries corporation, a government company. The other person nabbed is a official working at the liquor unit.
Till filing of reports, search of the liquor unit was going on and other people were being questioned.
As Editor, Ravinder Makhaik leads the team of media professionals at Hill Post.
In a career spanning over two decades through all formats of journalism in Electronic, Print and Online Media, he brings with him enough experience to steer this platform. He lives in Shimla.
The only good thing so far during this government is catching corrupt public servants red handed. I do not understand how vigilance deptt. has got so active now or is there are any special directions from the top. Whatever it be, corrupt should be exposed and prosecuted with the same enthusiasm.
Catching a corrupt officer is one thing and getting him convicted is another. We all saw what happened in the Ahluwalia case. Same will happen to this IAS. He will be back after some time. Already newspapers have reported that Sher Singh, the drug controller will be back soon.
I want information about Poonam Singhal/Mittal right now where is she and her address…………….