Driving Masters And Learners

“If you don’t swear while driving then you are not paying attention to the road at all.” – Unknown

Well! The quote resonates with feelings of each and every person who drives in a metropolitan city.

And as it is said that “Necessity is the mother of all inventions”, this very saying came true for me when I took to the wheel, albeit only when it became a compulsion for me. Though I do believe Driving is as important as any other life skill such as self defence training or cooking for that matter.

I learnt driving long time back. Still vividly remember how after a lot of hard labour and toil I obtained my driver’s license. There was a thorough knowledge testing from viva, practicals to theory. The questions like: how to change a flat tyre, how to open the nuts was ‘driving me nuts.’ From coolant level to engine oil to hazard lights to use of indicators, I was bombarded with all sorts of MCQs.

But despite all these barriers and speed breakers I came out with flying colours and my happiness knew no bounds.

But ! Alas it was short lived. Confronted with bitter truth I realised the value of being on the Drivers’ seat only when the harsh reality struck.

Initially a bit reluctant to take new paths or routes, and unaccustomed to shifting gears, soon I became a self declared pro at it. Self driving immensely helped me to become more independent, and blossomed my confidence to navigate traffic and zip through streets.

The belief that once you started manoeuvring and shifting gears, you became a skilled master as the reins of your vehicle was in your own hands soon turned out be a myth busted.

And then with a loud thud the reality came crashing down and soon enough I realised that my driver’s training was incomplete, till I ventured out on the roads of country’s capital that too not out of choice but compulsion.

Each single day roads of Delhi put your skills to test and give you crucial life lessons. Well! That’s true! Driving in Delhi is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Driving may not be our favourite sport in Delhi but a it’s definitely a compulsory one.

Driving on clogged roads has become the favourite pastime of most of the Delhiites and everyone gives their full participation for the same to an extent that we can soon declare it our State sport, the day we attain the statehood of course.

We can play it any time or hour of the day as every hour is rush hour or ‘mad’ rush hour to be precise. Driving in Delhi is the most demanding, daring and daunting task.

Ask anyone who cannot afford the luxury of having a chauffeur driven car! Along with moving at the snail’s pace an average Delhi resident comes across perpetual jams and poor traffic sense, on daily basis .

But then, these gruelling and grilling sessions are true markers for a Driver in Delhi. The influx of traffic and volume of vehicles are the ultimate testing ground for one’s ability to be vigilant till the time one is sitting behind the wheel.

It is definitely not a layman’s job to be on the traffic-plagued roads and navigating your way through, otherwise to be on the backseat is a better option.

Overtaking here is an art, making you realise that you are still a novice at it .

Though on the flip side every single car carries a tattoo of bruises to blemishes, scratches to dents; no one is unscathed.

The traffic of Delhi is a leveller for all. From prince to pauper, the uniformity is maintained here through the medium of roads and drivers are habitual and occasional contributors for the same.

Once you land on these roads and start to shift gears or go on auto pilot mode, your driving skills are time and again tested and given a reality check every time you feel you have attained the mastery of the subject.
Bitten by the reality bug, amidst the blaring horns and glaring scorns, like a warrior on a mission one faces bizarre competition on the roads, like a wild goose chase.

Delhiites for generations have driven in road maximising technique due to the tight spaces and intense congestion. Many-a-times straying between lanes and going against the tide. So keeping safe distance is definitely out of question here.

If one can drive in Delhi then you can definitely drive anywhere in the world provided we keep in mind that every other vehicle you pass or overtake has zero tolerance for others space. As the distinction of the lanes blur each vehicle makes it way through honking or plonking.  And if one is able to navigate their way through all this hustle bustle that too unscathed or untouched then in that case a Big Bang congratulations as you have arrived and mastered the art driving till the next level arrives.

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