Himachal awarded Bhanupali-Bilaspur Railway Line

29Aug-Conference-01Shimla: With relentless efforts finally, Himachal Pradesh gets long awaited Bhanupali-Bilaspur broad guage Railway Line Project awarded by the Northern Railway. Chief Minister, Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, revealed that first three kilometers of new railway line will be constructed at a cost of Rs. 17.25 crores.

The railway line with be helpful in reducing traffic congestion and pollution.

He said that with the coming up of Bhanupali-Bilaspur-Beri Railway line, the State would get all weather, cheap, accessible and sustainable transportation and would also open new vistas for tourism development. He said that pre-feasibility survey of this rail link has been got done by the State Government at its own cost and the cost share of this railway line would be borne by the Central and State Governments on 75: 25 basis.

Himachal govt. has also made a suggestion to Centre to extend Bhanupali-Bilaspur- Beri railway through Mandi-Manali to Leh.

File Photo by Amit Kanwar

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  1. says: Rajneesh


    Greetings ! This story of bringing Bhanupali-Bilaspur railway line is very old now, after few years the sleep ridden Kumbhkarana Projects come out of Hibernation when politicians beat publicity tumpets and nagaras..

    Our so called effecient politicians couldn’t even develop just 10 kilometers railway line ahead of Shimla (Where Britishers Stopped) in last 60 years of post independence era and we expect miracles from them.

    You wait and watch, aftter again 5 years, you will be finding same declarations. In India still in 21st century, politicians and projects move on bullock carts ~ as our politicians know it very well that “The ability of delay projects and satisfactions of people is the greatest art of seduction in politics.

    Bechari public keeps dangling like an ass waiting to eat good carrots some day…

    One day this railway line will lead to Manali .. then Leh… O really ??? Why not Tibet and Lahasa and then connecting to Hong Kong & Singapore from China..wow !!!

    .I feel like suggesting this to our politicians now !

    Hoplessly Waiting to Visit Manali & LEH by this extended Railway Line for future Holidays !

    Rajneesh Sharma

  2. says: Bijan Arora

    3 KMS. That’s all the much Hoopla about. So that means after so many years of making hue & cry against several Central governments, we will eventually be running a train on a stretch of 3 kms sometime in near future (may be a decade).
    Mr. Chief Minister times have changed. Talk sense. People will acknowledge the day you can get Indian Railways to run its train in Himachal. As of now, for a common man it’s all British.
    And if you are really serious about a railway line in Himachal, there is only one way. Pass a resolution in Assembly which says “TO HELL WITH INDIAN RAILWAYS, HIMACHAL PRADESH WILL HAVE HIMACHAL RAILWAYS” and then seek help from Defence & Tourism Ministries, levy taxes on tourists , involve Private sector and ask World bank for funds.
    Slowly and Steadily Himachalis will get the line built or else there will be another Chief Minister talking non-sense 5 years from now.

  3. says: abhishek

    i too agree with Mr. Brijan. for his views.Himachal has always been deprived of many things only because of the lack of an influential leader in Center politics.Check it out on channels like LOK SABHA or RAJYA SABHA leaders from can be seen sitting silent and never saying even a word about the rights of himachal.They just have ALL IS WELL kinda feeling.If delhi haryana punjab chandigarh needs water and electricity that will come only from himachal but what himachal needs they never stress on that.And Just stop exploiting people Mr. CM with all your fake announcements and inaugrations..and yea MEETHI GOLI’s..lyk we ‘ll have 3 km stretch in some time..etc etc..

  4. says: Rajneesh

    Disha two years have passed, since you published this article !

    You should re-investigate how many inches this rail or line moved ..was expected to reach Manali and Leh..Hopefully by next century we would be able to hear …”it has reached somewhere in between Bilaspur or Sundernagar..Lols !

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