CM for Prevention of AIDS

cmsep28.JPGVirbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, has given a clarion call to the people of the state to join hand in prevention of AIDS in the state and create awareness about the incurable disease amongst the masses, especially youth. He conveyed this message to the people of the state while signing the 25 meters long ‘Dose of Hope’ banner prepared by the Rotaract Club of the Government Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Shimla, headed by Dr. Saroj Bhardwaj and accompanied by the President of the Club Ms. Shilpa, here today.

Chief Minister said that national wide campaigns had been started in association with international HIV/AIDS awareness societies, to create mass awareness about the dreaded disease which so far had not found any cure.

Singh said that the government hospitals were running the services of counseling to the AIDS infected people, besides carrying tests to determine the infection status.

Chief Minister emphasized the need to change the mindset of the society about the HIV AIDS infected people which needed not to be looked down upon and given fair and equal treatment by every section of the society. He said that such persons needed to be encouraged to live the life fully, given every opportunity to lead a respectable life in the society.

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