Congress-BJP clash outside Vidhan Sabha, many including Shanta Kumar injured

29aug-lathi-charge-02.jpgCongress and BJP workers clashed outside the Vidhan Sabha in which about two dozen people, including BJP national vice-president Shanta Kumar suffered injures and a seriously ill child, in an emergency ambulance, caught up in the blockade around the complex died for want of medical attention. The police had to resort to a lathi charge to keep the warring political outfits at bay.

Tension around the Vidhan Sabha complex prevailed ever since the congress party decided to hold a samarthan (support) rally outside the Vidhan Sabha on the same day when BJP had announced plans to hold a demonstration against the government there.

The venue was occupied by congress workers early in the day. On the other hand the BJP was officially given permission to take an alternate route through the Ambedkar Chowk at Chaura Maidan and hold their demonstration near the police barricade at the gate of the Vidhan Sabha.
The situation turned tense when the BJP was prevented from getting near the Vidhan Sabha as the police had barricaded the road about 500 meters away. On the other hand congress leaders which included chief minister Virbhadra Singh went ahead and addressed a large gathering through a public speaking system at the gate.

The agitated BJP leaders decided to take an alternate route and marched to the Vidhan Sabha through the traffic on the cart with former chief ministers Shanta Kumar and Prem Kumar Dhumal leading the protest.

The police who had deployed a large force on the route through which the BJP was permitted to hold their demonstration were caught unaware. A relatively small force on the road leading to the venue from the cart road could not prevent supporters of the two parties from coming with clashing distance. Stones and sticks were hurled at each other.

The police attempted to push back the BJP supporters which only instigated the congress workers to get more offensive. Shanta Kumar who had moved to the rear was saved serious head injuries as a flying stone tore through his hand that he raised in the nick of time to prevent it from hitting his head.

Besides Kumar, others who sustained injuries included BJP legislator Rajiv Bindal, about two dozen BJP workers, half a dozen congress workers and two police personnel.

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  1. says: Himachali

    Political standard in Himachal Pradesh has reached to the level of Bihar and UP. Every educated citizen knows the reality about all that happened outside Vidhan Sabha yesterday. I think all this is mainly due the zero tolerance level that results while power want to suppress the truth.

    While watching the digital snaps on my Himachal and other media sources, I can fully generalize about the people who participate in such rallies.

    There are four types of people in such shows:

    One- our full time politicians who have their living on politics and its nuisance power.

    Second are the people whom we call the “Chutbaiyya netas” including the people in politics of local level bodies. This category also include the unemployed youth affiliated to political student/youth organizations duly patronized by the state level political parties. Based on their performance in these shows they are distributed jobs or the contracts in different government schemes.

    Third are the contractors/businessmen etc. who have their own vested interests with political parties.

    Fourth category comprises the the people who are emotionally driven by the leaders of their constituencies for showing strength. These people only enjoy such trips but has no other linking benefit from party.

    Do this crowd represent Himachal? Definitely not. A major chunk of Himachalies are in govt./semi govt. services who are forbidden to involve in active politics. This is most influential group, though seems unorganized but has enough strength to influence public opinion. It is also the most opportunist group who tries to maintain equations with power brokers of ruling parties.

    In this context what is going to be the fate of Himachal? A recent report by world bank has already cautioned about possible dangers. But politics is going from bad to worse. I wonder to see the political compulsions of our aged politicians who has started keeping muscle power with them. These people shed their blood in honor of their leaders who provide them undue benefits.

  2. says: Ravinder Makhaik


    You have made the right observations but every society gets the leadership it deserves, and so do we.

    How can we absolve ourselves from not being a passive supporter to the situation.

    Why have we allowed such people to govern us and if they rightly or wrongly have obtained a mandate to be lawmakers, why can’t we expose them and shame them.

    I understand your concern for what is becoming of our small but beautiful state. Exploiting its salubrious and peaceful environment, big money has made an onslaught on the land.

    And yes the government runs its writ on the strength of government employees. The leaders want to keep the people subservient to their diktats and the best way its to absorb any dissenting voice into a high paying job but one that does not extract enough work out of him. Dissent is conveniently suppressed.

    The Himachali youth have won valour in many fields but the order of the day is only exploiting this youth power by promising false dreams.

    The World Bank report has suggested weaning away the economy from a government controlled one to one moved through enterprise and private participation. But seeing things on ground zero, there is very little political consensus on that.

    Do keep voicing your concern, for that is one way we can help to build our small hill state.

  3. says: Sunny G.C.Kanojia

    It is Shame for Himachal and all of Himachalis. Some corrupt politicians are spoiling the name of our Dev Bhoomi. I appeal to all of the Himachalis pleaase do not support any corrupt leaders who are going to make another Bihar and UP in our Dev Bhoomi.

    Sunny G.C.Kanojia
    P.O.Box 44565
    Dubai UAE
    +971 50 3435233

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