French Company to Invest in HP Hydel projects

CM22B.JPGThe French Energy Company Velcan has shown interest in hydel generation in Himachal Pradesh and came forward with its proposal to execute projects in the State. A high-level delegation of the Company headed by its  MD (Velcan Energy SA), Antoine Decitre and accompanied by Shri Srinivasan Subramaniam, VP Energy – Velcan Energy India Pvt Ltd , and Shri S.M.Vishwanath, Manager Projects, called on Shri Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, here today.

Chief Minister welcomed the proposal of the Company and said that the State Government had floated global tenders inviting proposals from prospective entrepreneurs to execute the hydel projects independently or in joint sector. He said that the State Government had advertised all remaining projects awaiting exploitation for allotment on priority and a large number of proposals were coming­ forward with their proposals with attractive offers to undertake the execution of the projects. He said that it all had been possible due to the investment friendly safe environment created by good governance and stable government in the State which had been instrumental in attracting global companies in coming to Himachal Pradesh and exploit the identified hydel potential of the State to the optimum.

Shri Virbhadra Singh said that his Government had been welcoming all such global experienced companies which could execute hydel projects in Himachal Pradesh with ecological safeguards since the environment had been dear to his Government. He said that the employment condition of 70 percent to the locals at all level, good rehabilitation package to the oustees, suitable land compensation to the land owners and substantial local development funds were some of the prerequisites for any entrepreneur to undertake the execution of the project in the State.

He said that the New Power Policy of the State had all the details which would guide the prospective entrepreneur to know the preconditions before hand.

Shri Antone Decitre, informed the Chief Minister that the Company pioneered the hydel projects in a number of countries and had executed a large number of projects in Austria, Brazil, France and a number of other countries having hydel potential. He said that the company would be safeguarding the interests of the State and its people and provide maximum employment to the local people besides participating in the local developmental programmes.

He said that the Company would also be in a position to supply trained and experienced manpower for execution of the hydel projects in the State.

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