First myHimachal Newsletter


Dear Friends,

Please find attached our first Newsletter, the first step in connecting with all of our fellow Himachalis. A lot of hard work went into bringing this first quarterly version and as they say first step is the hardest one but goes long way, so please join me in thanking Sanjay Versain who put in so much work in bringing the newsletter. Sanjay is Editor of the newsletter and its all his effort.

We humbly request each and every member to spread this newsletter as far as possible you can! For least please do send it to your family, so that they also know our efforts and connect to all of us. Word of mouth goes long way and your single step would go long way in bringing together the very first Himachali association across the world! So every small contribution of yours is important and believe me it would make a lot of difference.

And your ideas to make it better are always welcome. We welcome your criticism, because that’s what would improve us, we welcome your good wishes because they would encourage us to work more and your guidance would be most sought because without that I don’t think we can move further.

So please join together in thanking Sanjay Versain for wonderful work to put the newsletter together and Dr. Bhugol Chandel, Rakesh Samkaria, Sumant Sood, Swadesh Katoch and Ramit Mahajan for reviews and help in improving it.

Warm regards,
Avnish Katoch.

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  1. says: G L Mahajan

    hi avnish,
    thank u for the newsletter .it is really pioneer and excellent work done by its editor sanjay. i would like to suggest that the my himachal group office bearer should send warm congratulations to sanjay for this unique and wonderful work. i really appreciate it and it is marvellous work from professional point of view. i congratulate sanjay and his team of dedicated professional for bringing such nice newsletter

    GL Mahajan

  2. says: Navin katoch

    Dear Avnish and Bhugol

    Congrats and well done. I know it take lots of hard work, courage and dedication to do this type of excellant work. On behalf of Himachal culture Association Canada, I extend our full support to this organisation.

    Navin Katoch

  3. Dear Avnish,

    Thank you very much for sending the Inaugural Issue of the Newsletter on, about Himachal. Surely, from the face of the contents , lots of efforts have gone into bring down such a Newsletter which would prove to be quite informative , a backgrounder to Himachal on various subjects of concern. I heartily congratulate Dr. Chandel, Mr. Sanjay Versain, Rakesh Samkaria, Sumant Sood, Swadesh Katoch and Ramit Mahajan and all the team members for this important development in the field of information and for this massive dedicated effort, needs to be applauded with
    bringing both hands together.

    And, surely, your sincere approach forthe Dev Bhoomi’s much desired development, progress of its people and all round development in general is highly appreciated.It would be great to receive the Newsletter in routine.

    Please to let me know if any contributions are allowed in the form of any article and or if even photos could also be included alongwith or independently .

    Thanking you once again for making available to us the Newsletter which would prove to be a milestone in the field of information and to know
    lots about our most loved Himachal.

    Kindest regards

    Saurab Bhakri
    Delhi (India) June 26th 2006

  4. says: navneet sharma

    Hi avinash
    visited your site for the first time. It is remarkable. To see Himachal on net is a great thing. I will be in touch.

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