Kashmir Delegation – A Mission to Nowhere
byIf the government is sincere about resolving the problem then J & K must be seen as a whole and then steps taken to isolate the more problematic areas.
If the government is sincere about resolving the problem then J & K must be seen as a whole and then steps taken to isolate the more problematic areas.
How can 16 million people be disenfranchised and denied a say (through their elected representatives) in how they are governed or taxed?
We may be so eager to protect the right to dissent that we lose sight of the difference between dissent and subversion
The unpalatable fact is that an all-pervasive sense of resignation, of despair almost – or, worse, a cynical “what did you expect?” has come to settle upon us. Not because of the Olympics, but insidiously upon us as a people, and thus upon our performance everywhere.
Why is there so much public apathy and aversion to offering help to the victim of any crime, even of road accidents?
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread
Single handed pursuit of mediocrity in all walks of life ensures that the status quo, with which the ruling elite is comfortable, will prevail and not be challenged.
The bold decision of Modi to get tough with Pakistan about the current uprising in PoK, Gilgit, Baltistan and Balochistan has come as a major shift in India’s policy towards Pakistan
Will 2019 be a watershed year for the nation?
One really wonders why the administrative services shy away from admitting the lack of expertise in select areas of government functioning, particularly when as a service they are not inclined to develop specialists for key functions from among their own cadres.