Shifting Military Cantonments
byIt is already in public domain that the initial decision of opening all 62 military cantonments for free access to public by Defence Minister…
It is already in public domain that the initial decision of opening all 62 military cantonments for free access to public by Defence Minister…
One reason why I’m sick to my stomach every July: it’s the time of year when the press informs us, with a flourish of trumpets, about how much Mr. Mukesh Ambani’s net worth is in pure Mammon terms.
I am one of those who supports the “overreach” of the higher judiciary. When the executive under performs consistently, someone has to overreach, and…
Today, the 11th July, on the World Population Day, I wonder if anyone of us and the law makers have a little time to…
Sometimes it is best to work in silence, using the tools you are familiar with rather than picking up the tools of your enemy: fight on your own turf, not on that of your adversary.
The discussion at every street corner today is whether BJP will secure a majority at the centre in 2019 elections. Recent by elections in…
Editors of newspapers and magazines today are more like censors, toeing the political line of their proprietors, dishing out packaged meals – the customer has no real choice. Television anchors are cacophonous megaphones of the powers that be, but do not see.
This is where the blogger comes in – not subject to any editorial restraint, or the tyranny of TRPs or readership numbers or commercial imperatives, he can record things as he sees them and speak from the heart. He may be right or wrong, but the reader at least gets a frank opinion, and can make up his own mind, not have it made up for him by a slanted news item or a mercenary advertorial,
The lemming instinct or phenomenon, the “herd instinct” as it is better understood, can be better appreciated in anthropomorphic terms such as “keeping up…
In all probability the decision of BJP to withdraw support would be seen as a positive step. It is so because PDP is considered as a pro separatist party that plays a double game – it milks India but bats for separatists.
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) report released on 14 June 18 has created quite a stir in Indian media. This first ever…