Shimla: With withdrawal of candidatures for elections to Himachal Pradesh University students central association (SCA) coming to a close on Tuesday, as many as 14 candidates belonging to 4 outfits are left in the fray even as electioneering has picked up. Polling is scheduled for Thursday (21st August).
While Student Federation of India (SFI), National Students Union of India (NSUI) and Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) are contesting all four positions on the body All India Students Federation (AISF) has been left with contesting the position of president and secretary only as nomination papers of two others were rejected by election authorities.
NSUI has put out the panel of Ankit Sachdeva for president, Anupma Thakur for VP, Rajeev Kumar for general secretary and Manish Verma for joint secretary.
ABVP has nominated Amit Kumar for President, Dalip Negi for vice president, Munish Chandel for general secretary and Simi Thakur for joint secretary.
SFI has put of girl students for the top two positions with Shika Chauhan for president, Chand Kumari for vice president. For general secretary they have put up Virender Singh and Surender Kumar for joint-secretary.
AISF that is in the contest for the president and general secretary posts has put up Ajay Nadda and Kamal Chand. Candidature of Kanchan and Sher Singh of the AISF was rejected during scrutiny by the election authorities.
Issues that predominate include increasing transport services for day students and construction of more hostel facilities, especially for girl students.
The elections are being held within the purview of Lyngdoh recommendations for holding student elections.
Given the election charged atmosphere, the university authorities have requisitioned the service of the district police to maintain law and order for the peaceful conduct of the poll.
Besides the elections for SCA, elections for 39 departmental representatives would also be held on Thursday.
Other than the university, elections in affiliated colleges that number over 90 would also be held simultaneously.
Meanwhile congress has accused ruling BJP of meddling in the students elections by threatening parents who are government employees of NSUI students with transfers.
Kuldeep Rathore, congress spokesman said, “the BJP government is misusing its official position by threatening parents of NSUI students with transfers.â€
As Editor, Ravinder Makhaik leads the team of media professionals at Hill Post.
In a career spanning over two decades through all formats of journalism in Electronic, Print and Online Media, he brings with him enough experience to steer this platform. He lives in Shimla.