Seven years, Captain Kalia’s family still waiting for justice

saurav.JPGPALAMPUR: Dr. N . K. Kalia, father of Martyr Captain Saurabh Kalia, who laid down his life in Kargil conflict seven years ago while guarding the frontiers at Kargil , has been moving from pillar to post and has approached several national and international organizations to pressurize Pakistan to identify, book and punish those who indulged in most heinous, inhuman and unpardonable crime, kept his son in captivity for three weeks and subjected to unprecedented brutal torture as evident from his body handed over by the Pakistani army to Indian army But his earnest efforts had yielded no fruitful results.

Dr. N. K. Kalia and Mrs. Vijay Kalia, the parents of brave solider are a harassed lot today . They had not forgotten that what happened with them seven years ago, their wounds are yet to heal, they are still struggling for their cause. They say not only parents but the Indian Army and the whole nation had lost a dedicated and honest son. It may be recalled that Capt Kalia was the first officer to detect and inform about the Pak intrusion while doing patrol duties in the first fortnight of May, 1999. Capt. Saurabh Kalia along with his five jwans were captured alive on the Indian side of LOC on May 15. 1999.

dsc02175_002.JPGWhile talking to me, disappointed and disheartened Kalia couple says that Pak army indulged in the most dastardly acts of burning bodies with cigarettes, piercing ears with hot iron rods, removing eyes before puncturing them, breaking most of the bones and teeth, chopping off various limbs and private organs of these soldiers, besides inflicting unimaginable physical and mental tortures.

Dr. Kalia says that evidently being leader, his son fought the real battle for 22 days undergoing the worst possible ordeal. The enemy gave in but these valiant sons did not break while undergoing all this unlimited savagery. Pak army had to shoot them ultimately. The detailed post – mortem conducted by the Indian Army reflects all this, which a common man would shiver just to think of what had happened to these soldiers.

Dr Kalia says, capturing and being captured is part of every conflict between two countries. But they were captured alive but their POWs status was not intimated to India. They subjected to such an inhuman and brutal treatment that violates the GENEVA CONVENTION to which both India and Pakistan are the signatories. The postmortem report confirms that injuries were inflicted ante mortem (before death).

piping.jpgBecoming sentimental Dr. Kalia, argues that sacrificing oneself for the nation is an honor , every soldier would love to do but no parents can accept what happened to these brave sons of India. But after this unfortunate incident every parents would think twice to send their wards in the armed forces if the government falls short of its duty of safeguarding their PRISONERS OF WAR AND LET THEM MEET THE FATE OF THESE SOLDIERS. This may set a disturbing trend. This must be understood that this is not the problem of Kalia family only but a national issue, he adds.

Dr. Kalia feels that, apathy on the part of union government and Indian army had sent wrong signals to the army personnel fighting for the nation that our POWs in Pak cannot be taken care of. If Pakistan is allowed to go unpunished in this case, she had every reason to get emboldened to strike more dangerously in future.

Mr. Kalia says that the whole western world would have gone berserk had this happened there. It is unfortunate that Indian Human Rights Organizations are mum and showing very feeble reaction to this vital issue.

dsc01061_002.JPG Dr. Kalia is grateful to media and public for their reactions and sentiments, which overwhelmed him. He regrets that when the bodies of these brave martyrs arrived in New Delhi In 1999, there were lot of statements from various ministers including Prime Minister and other high ranking officials, but over the time all initiatives have evaporated .

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  1. says: ANKUR

    Respected Mr.Kalia,
    I know, i cannot reduce your sorrow but i feel for Capt.Saurabh Kalia as i
    would feel for someone of my own. but then, isn’t every soldier our very
    own brother, our very own son ! sir, i want to join you in your struggle
    for justice. i ,as a 16 year old girl have certain goals in my life. one prime aim
    is to fight for justice, for those who suffered injustice to make sure that I
    don’t suffer. i shall do every thing in my power to bring those angels of satan
    who put humanity to shame, to the jail, where they deserve to be.
    curses be on those cowards,who mercilessly murdered humanity in such cold
    blood and cowerdice. how could they do this to six unarmed ,young soldiers,
    soldiers who had done no crime. POWs are not meant to be tortured, no sorry,
    any living being should not be made to suffer what these six patriots had to
    bear for 3 long, dark and torturous weeks. what moves me right to the
    core of my soul is that they bore it all but did not open their lips. they, even in
    such horrible and painful circumstances, didn’t break. they remained true to
    their oath right till their very last breath. i can’t even imagine, what they
    actually had to suffer. such hellish physical misery and unthinkable mental
    suffering. may they rest in peace. i know they are upthere with the lord.
    may god bless them and this county,for which they embraced sorrow ,
    suffering and death. once again , i request you, Dr. Kalia to please let me be of
    help to you in this fight for justce and humanity.
    my email id is- [email protected]

  2. says: Nafisa Namli Wala

    I heartly appreciate the sacrifice done by your son. Sir. Thankyou very much for providing such a selfless Person to our Counnry. INDIA.

  3. says: Hindu

    PALAMPUR: Capt Saurabh Kalia, the first to report Pakistani incursion in Kargil in 1999, was taken captive by the Pakistani troops and a few weeks later his mutilated body was handed over to Indian authorities. Ten years on, the martyr’s parents fight a lone battle to highlight war crimes against their son and other Indian soldiers.

    N.K. Kalia and his wife Vijaya, who have settled in this town in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, have been waging a war to highlight Pakistani violations of human rights and brutalities committed on their son, Saurabh Kalia, and other soldiers during the Kargil war in 1999.

    Saurabh Kalia of 4 Jat Regiment, who was the first Army officer to report incursion by the Pakistani Army on Indian soil, had along with five soldiers – Sepoys Arjun Ram, Bhanwar Lal Bagaria, Bhika Ram, Moola Ram and Naresh Singh – for a routine patrol of the Bajrang Post in the Kaksar sector when they were taken captive by the Pakistani troops May 15, 1999.

    They were barbarically tortured for weeks before being killed. Their mutilated bodies were handed over to Indian authorities June 9, 1999.

    “Of course, his supreme sacrifice has made us proud, but what has exhausted, disappointed and dejected us is that the nation for which he has sacrificed his life least bothered to highlight the plight of war crimes at the international fora,” N.K. Kalia, 61, a retired senior scientist from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, told IANS.

    “We have been shuttling between various government offices and organisations with the hope of highlighting the plight of the war victims. The Indian government has failed to deliver justice as it has forgotten atrocities meted out on six heroes. For days, they were tortured. Their limbs were chopped and bodies burnt,” rued Mr Kalia.

    “Though the then Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government at the Centre expressed concern over the heinous crime and promised to take up the issue at the international level, in all these years the issue got diluted,” he recalled.

    “Even today our only demand is that it should keep its promise so that no POWs (prisoners of war) could face Saurabh’s fate. Had this happened to any American or Israeli soldier, the culprits would have been brought to justice.”

    Vijaya, who runs an LPG agency allotted by the Indian Oil Corporation to honour his martyrdom, asked: “Is this the way the government treats its heroes?”

    To highlight the plight of the war victims, Saurabh Kalia’s father has started an online signature campaign.

    “The pain of losing a young son is hard to describe in words. But we feel contended with the fact that many citizens have supported us through online signature campaign. Till date more than 13,000 people have put up their signatures,” N.K. Kalia said.

    Saurabh Kalia, who was posted in Kargil as his first posting after passing out of the Indian Military Academy, did not even live long enough to receive his first pay packet as an officer.

    Today, his photographs, his uniforms, shoes and mementoes are kept in his room, which has been named ‘Saurabh Smriti Kaksha’ (a museum), in the Kalias’ four-bedroom house in the serene hills of Palampur.

    The Himachal Pradesh government as a mark of respect has raised ‘Saurabh Van Vihar’ in a sprawling area of 35 acres here besides renaming a street in the town as Capt Saurabh Kalia Marg. A nursing college in the proposed Vivekanand Medical Research Trust Hospital here is being raised in martyr’s memory. – IANS

  4. says: Aamir

    Hatts off to you and your son Mr. Kalia and glad to see such a proud parent even after losing his son.May he rest in peace.

  5. says: Nidish

    Mr kalia sir the way ur son or rather indias son was treated in the hands of pakistanis is unbearable,yes if it was an american or an isrealite they would hav made this an issue,but öur stupid good for nothing politicians are of no good!the next time you hear about mutilated remains of terrorists just remember me…an indian army aspirant and a proud fan of ur son,mr kalia your son was the most bravest of martyrs of kargil,he wil get justice.,..NIDISH…


    The detailed report of this war crime of Pakistan, in which Sri Lt. Saurabh Kaliaji and five sepoys Sri Arjun Ramji, Sri Bhanwar Lal Bagariaji, Sir Bhikha Ramji, Sri Moola Ramji and Sri Naresh Singhji were tortured and mutilated stepwise to death against all international human right laws and war laws, must be written in all the Indian languages, from Kashmiri till Assamese.

    The text must be added in the school books, and the report must be published perodically in all the regional and national newspapers (in print and online) of India. The report should be distributed free of cost in every village, from Kashmir to Manipur.

    This report of war crime must be translated in all the foreign languages. It must be published internationally (in print and online). Pakistan must accept this war crime and pay apology to the families of six.

    Anant Kumar, Magister(Author)
    German Writers Association
    Son of Late Prof. Major Rajendra Prasad Kassel-Germany/Motihari-India

  7. says: ashok

    Getting captured is part of the game. But Capt Kalia and the men he lead suffered their fate and the perperators of this crime laugh at us since this is a nation of cowards. Their are few like Kalia who are holding the integrity of this stupid nation which has no right to be free; infact it has never been free and was periodically plundred by marauders since its people could never defend themselves. This society just doesnt deserve an army like this.And what you do not deserve does not last for long

  8. says: Vikrant mehta

    Being a officer cadet i salute u, i also belong to same place and same school. I felt bad when i came to know about this act of pakistani about u and taken oath to stood against enemy country..we all indian salute u for your braveness. Jai hind

  9. says: Rajnesh Sharma

    Real tragic, no one can ever repay the debt of a soldier. Capt. Kalia, the whole nation owes you a lot. And its shame that parents of Martyr are unheard in own Nation..

  10. says: ravinder

    Now the important thing is that what is the current status of the inquiry and where the file is in pending state so that people of India can write to concerned department and ask for speedy process.
    I request great father of great solder to guide us so that we can send mails , Right to Information Applications and put pressure on the responsible authorities .
    ravinder Jayalwal

  11. says: naveen kumar

    Tears started running in my eyes while reading this article. How can a group of men give such a brutal torture to a single soldier & what was God doing?……I salute to Shahid captain kalia & his family. Thanks Dr. Kalia for giving such a selfless brave son in service of this nation, his memories will always remain in my heart forever. I heartly pray to almighty to give justice to Captain Kalia & may his soul rest in supreme peace in loving hands of Lord…Jai Jawan…Jai Bharat

  12. says: Lakshmi

    The pakistanis who did this brutal act should be given same type of treatment and should be shot atlast .Bloody Paksithanis does not have mercy .

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