Dr. Mahesh Yadav continues with his blood appeal campaign for a free Tibet

ddgddhd.jpgMoved by China’s brutality and Tibet’s woes, Dr. Mahesh Yadav, a world peace and free Tibet activist also known as the ‘blood campaigner’ is going on with a blood campaign for a free Tibet since 4th November, 1996. On the eve of Holi, he blood painted the face of the Chinese President in a poster and marked another protest against the killing of innocent Tibetans in Tibet.

He plans to continue with his peaceful way of protest with an aim to put pressure on China to free Tibet and let peace remain. He has also written a blood appeal to the President and the Prime minister of India, the President of USA, Secretary General of UNO, European Parliament and world leaders and institutions to take a just stand in the matter and not shun it.

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