Himachal CM urges planning commission for liberal funding

cmsep6c.jpgVirbhadra Singh, Chief Minister urged the Planning Commission of India to extend liberal financial assistance to the State for strengthening infrastructure and harnessing the available identified hydel potential to generate income for developmental activities. He was holding an informal meeting with the visiting Vice Chairman of Planning Commission of India, Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Dr. B.S. Mungekar, Member, Planning Commission here last evening.

Singh said that the State was committed to harness the full identified hydel potential speedily so that it could generate revenue for the developmental requirements. He said that projects worth about 7000 MW were under execution in joint venture, public and private sectors while the remaining projects were also being allotted to the private players on the terms of the State.

He said that maximum equity participation was being ensured in the projects besides free power, attractive rehabilitation, land compensation to the people and above all the State had made it mandatory to allot projects at negotiable upfront premium which would generate additional income to the State exchequer. He said that Planning Commission could supplement the endeavour of the State Government in this direction.

Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Vice Chairman of Planning Commission of India lauded the achievements of the State in all the major sectors, especially in maintaining the financial discipline, utilizing every penny over the development and welfare activities. He said that he would take up the issues raised by the Chief Minister at appropriate level and make best efforts to provide the State liberal financial grant for its developmental requirements. He congratulated Chief Minister for maintaining good reputation with the international financial world which was helping the State in getting more developmental loans.

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