Himachal entrepreneurs to get 2 MW projects

The State Government would be exploring the possibilities of finding modes of procuring loan from various banks and financial institutions to the young and enterprising entrepreneurs to enable them undertake execution of the hydel power projects in the progress of the State. This was revealed by Shri Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister while addressing an impressive public meeting at Duidi in remote Tangnu-Janrlikh valley of Rohru Sub Division of district Shimla on the third and final day of the three day long extensive tour to his home segment after he laid the foundation stone of the primary health centre at Duidi to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 66 lakh, Tikkari-Pekhi-Diudi road to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 2.04 crore which he laid foundation stone, veterinary hospital at Tikkari to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 19.64 lakh and dedicated the Devta Narain Community Centre completed at a cost of Rs. 5.5 lakh to the people today.

 C.M. lays foundation stone of Rs. 2.04 crore Tikkari-Pekhi-Diudi road
 C.M announces upgradation of GHS PeKha to SSS, GMS Tangnu to HS.
 78,000 KM long power lines supplying power to the consumers in the State.

Chief Minister said that State Government had adopted a new Power Policy and incorporated the provision of reserving hydel projects upto 2 MW exclusively to the Himachali entrepreneurs and give them preference in execution of hydel projects of over 5 MW so that the entrepreneurship attitude was developed in the State youth. He said that the State had high literacy and there was no dearth of hard working entrepreneurs.

Chief Minister said that the State Government was considering making legal provisions to check the illegal conversion of the poor and down trodden forcibly. He said that the Constitution of India provides its citizen Freedom of Religion and every individual was at liberty to follow any religion, faith or sect but there was no provision to forcibly people to convert to other faiths and offering them various allurements. He said that his Government would not permit any unconstitutional act and exploiting the social and economic of the poor and down trodden for fulfilling the unlawful wishes of some sections of society. He said that his Government was alive to the situation and would check any such activity firmly under the legal provisions which was being envisioned by the Government. He said that people willing to convert to any other religion were free to do so willingly and there was no bar on their such shifts, however the forcible conversion would be viewed seriously and people responsible for such acts would be dealt with as per the legal provisions of the State Government being envisaged.

Shri Virbhadra Singh said that Himachal was one of selected States which had all its census villages electrified in the year 1987-88. He said that at the time of formation of the State it had only six of its 16916 census villages electrified as all the census villages were electrified and work was in progress to extend the facilities to the new habitations which had come up in recent years. He said that all the villages were being provided quality power under the implementation of the system improvement programme by spending Rs. 360 crore. He said that the State had vast hydel potential which was being exploited for the benefit of the State and its people. He said that domestic power requirement was being fulfilled besides making power available to the commercial sector. He said that there would not be any power shortage for coming hundred years on exploitation of full identified hydel potential of the State. He said that the system improvement would ensure quality power supply to the consumers. He said that 78,000 KM long power lines were supplying power all over the State.

Chief Minister announced upgradation of the Govt. High School Pekha to Senior Secondary School and Govt. Middle School Tangnu to High School.

Chief Minister directed authorities to construct the Tikkari-Pekha-Duidi road in a time bound manner and urged people to cooperate with the Government by providing their land for the smooth construction of the road so that people were benefited. He also directed to speed up work on Duidi-Tangnu-Janghlikh road and also start work on two connecting bridges simultaneously so that the time was saved and work completed in time.

Earlier, Chief Minister inspected CHC at Sandasu and directed authorities to construct staff quarters for doctors and para medical, besides mortary boundry and retaining walls. He also inspected the new building of Govt. Senior Secondary School Dhamwari being constructed at a cost of Rs. 1.5 crore and passed necessary direction to the PWD authorities to complete the same on priority so that the students were provided better educational environment. He was accorded a rousing reception by the people on his arrival in the valley.

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