Why Mr Modi is the real winner in the September By-Elections !

In his first 100 days Mr. Modi has made considerable progress in redeeming most of these promises – ambitious targets have been set and are being monitored by the PMO itself, crucial policy decisions are being taken on a daily basis which have brought the economy on a positive growth path again, our foreign policy has been infused with a new and refreshing robustness and virility, no taint of any malfeasance has been detected so far and the bureaucracy has been brought to heel. No mean achievement in a country where the first 100 days of any government usually consist of nothing else but the division of the loaves of office.

Rules Of The Game

I have for some time been convinced that Moses (of Old Testament fame) was THE original bureaucrat. The anecdotal evidence is pretty convincing. He…

Delhi – The City Of Honey Badgers

New Delhi – From being the centre of Mughal culture, British imperialism and old world gentility it has now become some kind of smorgasbord of the worst qualities of its neighbouring states, the arrogance of power, the corrupting influence of money, and the unruliness of millions of migrants who have no stakes in the city.

Budget 2014 – Short-Changing The Environment

During his election campaign and even after assuming office Mr. Modi has spoken about establishing a Council of Himalayan States to evolve a more specific planning model for them so that their environmental concerns could be addressed.

So Mr. Modi’s announcement was certainly no charity for the Himalayan states. But the Finance Minister made no mention of this Council in his budget.

Mr Modi And The Environment – A Green Vision Or A Grey Area?

In every other area of governance Mr. Modi has shown that he possesses the vision, integrity, leadership qualities, decision making ability, courage, connect with the people and self belief which alone can deliver a better (in every sense) life to all Indians.

It is now time for him to demonstrate these same qualities in the cause of preserving the country’s natural wealth, ecology and environment.Mr Modi And The Environment – A Green Vision Or A Grey Area?