One is never too old to learn a lesson or two about life. I found that out this month, the lesson being that you can try to run away from the effects of climate change, but you cannot hide from it: it will get you, sooner than you think. We ran away, as is our usual drill, from the heat, water shortages, and power outages of the NCR to our place in Puranikoti at April end: amidst the dense forests, flowing nullahs, and quiet of the village, we thought, we could put climate change behind us for a few months.

How wrong I was! The forests are dry as tinder, afire in many places; the nullahs no longer flow; the sun beats down on us like a physical force. For the first time in 18 years, ever since I built my cottage here, I have had to buy water from water tankers! Even though we get water from the govt. scheme and I have a 25000 litre roof-top water harvesting tank. The problem is that the water sources of the former scheme have almost dried up, and there has been no rain for the last six weeks to fill the water harvesting tank. There has been hardly any winter snow here for the last two years and all the underground aquifers have been depleted, the rainfall pattern has also altered: earlier we used to get a locally induced shower every three or four days but now we are dependent, it would appear, on the north-westerly disturbances emanating from the Caspian sea. Whatever happened to our micro-climate, I wonder?

[Mountains on fire. Photo by Pankaj Khullar, IFS (Retd.)]
[Mountains on fire. Photo by Pankaj Khullar, IFS (Retd.)]
The lesson is writ large on the burning forests, the dried-up streams and “kuhls”, the unbelievable temperatures in Una and Hamirpur rivaling those of Chandigarh and Gurgaon. But, like a student with an attention-deficit disorder, our state govt. will just not learn it. It carries on with its business-as-usual policies, it continues to level the mountains and slaughter thousands of trees for airports which are not needed, build four-lane highways that devastate the mountains and whose muck chokes the rivers, and approve more hydel projects that are environmentally disastrous.

[Forest fire near Solan. Photo by Pankaj Khullar, IFS (Retd.)]
[Forest fire near Solan. Photo by Pankaj Khullar, IFS (Retd.)]
The Chief Minister has announced that he wants to double tourist arrivals, from 20 million a year to 50 million! Is he smoking Malana hash, I wonder? Our infrastructure and natural landscapes are already crumbling under the onslaught of the existing 20 million tourists; one cannot even visualize the devastation that will be necessary to accommodate another 30 million- just their potable water requirements will amount to 3 billion litres per day! A June 2021 report, quoting the HP police states that 18370 tourist vehicles enter the state every day; even these numbers have made a mess of the traffic in every single town of the state. The Atal tunnel near Manali recorded 20000 vehicles a day passing through it this year. Can one imagine the state of affairs if all these numbers were to be doubled, which is the Chief Minister’s fond wish?

[Typical summer vacation? Traffic jam at Manali]
[Typical summer vacation? Traffic jam at Manali]
The fate of Himalayan states can be seen, even as I write this, in what is happening to the Char Dham yatra: the lakhs of people stranded for days on the Gangotri-Yamunotri-Kedarnath routes: the mountains just cannot bear these numbers any longer. The blame has to be shared by an ecocidal government ramming through the four-lane Char Dham highway in a fragile mountain system, as well as by the brain-washed urbanites, riding high on an SUV-driven religiosity, unmindful of the consequences to nature. Himachal should learn from all this before it’s too late.

Smell the smoke of the forest fires, sir, and the stench from the dry nullahs filled with plastic waste and human refuse. Learn from countries that are putting the health of their natural landscapes and ecology over tourist dollars. Stop the felling of trees, the cutting of mountains, the unnecessary building of roads, airports, not-so-smart cities, and the damming up of rivers and streams. The cumulative effect of all these hare-brained policies is what is imparting a local impact to the global phenomenon of climate change. Do a course correction while you still can. Concentrate instead on protecting your forests, implement water harvesting schemes on a war scale in both urban areas and the forests, limit the tourist numbers to a sustainable level, bring back the micro-climate that nurtured the state, and climate-proof the sustainability of your eco-systems. Show some vision beyond defeating Kangana Ranaut in the elections. Make your money by protecting your natural ecology and assets, not by destroying them.

Or be prepared to be taught a lesson by Nature. The classes have already begun.

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