Himachal’s Handimachal Residents Show Solidarity With People With Disability

On the occasion of the International Day of People with Disability, Handimachal- A therapy centre for children with developmental disabilities organized a Mannequin Challenge to show solidarity with people with disability.

Professionals, Parents, People with disability, government officials, social workers, public, college and school children participated in this Mannequin challenge with the theme of “DisABILITY’’- focusing on the Ability of the Disability. It was the first time a Mannequin Challenge with a social cause message was performed in Kullu (H.P)
Participants froze for 4 min in various positions of Cerebral Palsy, Physical Deformity, Therapy Positions, Sign Languages, Assisted Walking, Para Olympics, Play and activities of daily living. The aim of the act was to bring sensitization in the people about the postures, body language, and physical appearance of people with disability that tend to be a barrier for them to be included. Why do people stare at something that doesn’t look normal? Why do people avoid people with disability? Why do people pass rude comments when a child with Autism has had a sensory meltdown? Why do people stare when they see somebody talking in sign language? The act tried to bring attention and awareness about these issues.

In accordance to the United Nations theme for the International Day of Disability-The Future We Want. We see a future which promotes removal of all types of barriers; including those relating to the physical environment, information and communications technology (ICT), or attitudinal barriers.

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