Jai Chandiram gets IAWRT Lifetime Achievement Award

New Delhi, April 27 (IANS) Jai Chandiram, one of the first women in television in India, who rose to Deputy Director General of Doordarshan, has been conferred the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Association Of Women in Radio & Television (IAWRT). Chandiram, who is fighting cancer, received the award at her brother’s home here Friday.

The award was instituted this year to honour individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the growth and development of IAWRT. Chandiram is the second recipient of the award.

Gerd Inger Polden, the vice president of the International Board who joined the award

ceremony from Norway via Skype said: “We honour you for your great contribution to IAWRT both as the founder of the India Chapter and its longtime managing trustee and for your period as oresident of IAWRT International from the year 2001-2005. In

your period as president, you were able to give IAWRT a new direction as a truly global network.”

As the first Asian president of the IAWRT for two terms, Chandiram delved passionately into women’s rights on many levels culminating in the highly acclaimed annual IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival that has given women filmmakers an arena in which to showcase gender issues.

From being a part-time off-Broadway actress to the first Asian president of IAWRT International, Chandiram has been a teacher, mentor, friend and an inspiration to a whole generation of professional media women.

The award ceremony was attended by the entire board of IAWRT’s India chapter. IAWRT India managing trustee of Reena Mohan, speaking on their behalf,

said: “Fifty two years ago, a young woman strode through the portals of Doordarshan. Her trail blazing career and iconic personality touched the lives of many and inspired hundreds of media students, colleagues and friends. We are here to pay tribute to that extraordinary woman, Jai Chandiram.”

“On behalf of IAWRT India, I would like to thank

Jai for cajoling, pushing and mentoring many of us women working in film and television to discover our true potential,” Mohan added.

The award was presented by Ananya Chakraborti, treasurer of the International Board.

IAWRT President Rachel Nakitare said: “You are a pillar and icon to many of us. You inspire me with your grasp of issues and exceptional networking skills. Sometimes I wonder how you manage to have an ear for everyone despite the crowded schedules.

You are the true definition of leadership and an embodiment of genuine love. We honor you with the IAWRT award of dedication and service because you deserve it.”

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