Ensure cleanliness, quality food, Bansal tells rail officials

New Delhi, April 3 (IANS) Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal Wednesday expressed concern over cleanliness and the quality of food served in trains and at stations and urged zonal managers to regularly monitor the situation.

“He also asked senior officers to pay attention to punctuality of trains and safety of the network,” said an official after the minister reviewed the functioning of the railways with zonal general managers here.

According to officials, the minister said that quality of the food served in trains should be good and the catering complaint number 1800111321 should be popularised for quick redressal of grievances.

Bansal urged managers to minimise human error, which sometimes leads to accidents, and said that reasons should be ascertained and corrective measures taken for training and counselling staff.

Expressing concern over the loss of innocent lives at the unmanned level crossings, the minister said road users need to be made aware of precautions to be taken at the crossings. He said that elected village heads and elders could be involved in the campaign.

Asking general managers to expedite work on creating model stations, the minister said it was necessary to dispose of the scrap and waste lying all around station premises.

He also reminded officials to make railway stations friendly for differently-abled persons.

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