Masked men loot Baddi unit

BADDI: In a late night robbery the four masked men have stolen valuable goods from a unit at Nandpur village near Baddi after locking the security staff in a room. The four looters barged their into the security room of Ashu International Industry at around midnight. They first beaten up the two security guards and then locked them in the room.

There after they entered the unit and lifted valuable items. After looting the unit they fled in a vehicle waiting outside the unit. The exact information on stolen goods was not yet ascertained. A case has been registered following compliant by Sanjay Kumar the one of the security guard.

In another incident, the two youth have booked by the Baddi police today under Arms Act as well as for theft. Nem Pal alias Nemka and Rajinder Singh who hailed from Muradabad in UP have nabbed by police when they were trying to dispose off the 10-kg stolen copper worth Rs. 4000 to a rag picker.

Following their interrogation the police raided their slum and found a local made katta there. Both were produced before a court at Nalagarh. They were granted the three day police remand. EOM

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