Govt. rushes Minister to hand over relief to the family of dead child

rao.jpgRangila Ram Rao, Excise and Taxation Minister visited Kararta village of Gram Panchayat Chowk in Dharampur area of Mandi district last evening and expressed grief over the sad demise of four year old Master Dinesh S/o Smt. Reena W/o Shri Raj Kumar who died on way to IGMC, Shimla two days back.

Rao handed over Rs. 2 lacs immediate relief to the mother of the deceased on behalf of the State Government. He said that State Government was with bereaved family members in this hour of distress.

Editorial comment: We are showing this picture and story so that our valued readers can see first hand that what a govt. we have in Himachal. They will draw mileage from the grief also. A child died and minister is busy taking pictures! WHAT A SHAME! Some one should tell the value of a child to this minister!

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  1. says: Himachali

    Thanks a lot My Himachal. It is shocking to see the photo session in this situation of highest grief. Our innocent people still respect these leaders so much that they give them enough respect even in such situations. Perhaps they do not know the reality of their intentions.
    Now at least some people have started evaluating the deeds of our politicians.
    I am surprised to see the money going out of public exchequer. It was neither a road accident nor a natural calamity. All this happened due to the hooliganism by two political parties. Top leaders on both side admitted clearly that these were the party shows. If they really mean it and feel concerned about the loss, why not to contribute from their own party funds. It is a very serious question having wider implications in future. Otherwise it is like killing someone and compensating him from his own funds.

  2. says: Dinesh

    When terrorism started and even after that, Hurriyat Conference (Kashmir separatists) learned a very good trick to garner public support. They will reach to affected people, terrorist hit, first, much before government machinery. In fact bureaucrats would not even go without life jackets and couple of 100 policemen and a full brigade of army to the affected people or places. And Hurriyat exploited this trick for a very very long time, in fact till the time their money from Pakistan ran out. And you may see what a loss of life we had in Kashmir. Because government was unable to reach Hurriyat became government. At the same time they became CONTRACTORS of people’s lives. My point is this is what this minister is doing. As such he is part of the government but isn’t it that this incident happened under the WATCHFUL EYE of the very same government. At one point this child died and here the minister is showing bundles of cash to prove that government understands. Problem is all three parties in fact third one carries not support other than Himachal univ. were carrying rallies and they should at least APOLOGIES! Don’t do anything else but PLEASE ISSUE A STATEMENT THAT DUE TO MISMANAGEMENT OF GOVERNMENT AND ALSO RALLY ORGANISERS THIS DEATH HAPPENED!

    The other part which I regret is that no one from NGO fraternity is nearby or issued any statement. I think there is mass NGO movement of NGOs in HP. But they wont, because they are PAID BY GOVERNMENT PAID FOR GOVERNMENT!

    Middle class People, they wont care! Their son gets a good job that’s all they worry and they don’t want to get transferred to PANGI or Lahaul. Shame on them. Those are some of the best scenic places in HP and they can earn huge money if they write a book or if they bring photos of those untouched places to rest of the world. But alas doing 9-5 job and fear of transfer wont bring them out of their closets!

    There use to be Pradhan of one of our area, he was quite financially strong and powerful. close to ministers, but when local goondas got powerful his own daughter was molested in public view! LEARN A LESSON! Don’t let crooks rule you! But like any other comments these would also go in deaf ears!

  3. says: Dr. C.L. Dileep

    It is indeed shameful for the Congress Government to have scant regard for the precious life of a young citizen. How could these power hungry politicians assemble without regard for safety or emergency passage for fire, ambulance or the police vehicles. The picture in the media showing the ambulance being caught up in the crowd speaks volumes of the immature handling by the agencies concerned, who were more happy to be the security guards for our ‘netas’ than take care of the genuine needs of the people.

    Fire upon the minister who is seen more busy in ‘posing’ for the photograph along with the currency wad that his corrupt CM has sent alongwith. With the election drama a couple of months away, the shameless minister is seen utilising the God-sent opportunity to encash for his and his parivar’s gain for another term. This ‘Honourable’ minister’s brother was caught in the PMT scam and his other brother, who was a Principal of the Govt. Dental College, Shimla, has embezzled public money and scuttled the Enquiry process which was demanded by the right quarters, and has managed to get extension “even after retirement” from his “benevolent CM” by falling at his feet and camping in Dharmshala during the winter sessions, and this is the sad state of affairs of our corrupt politicians and their kinfolk. May the citizens of Himachal Pradesh open their eyes and bring in only the right persons into the Legislative Assembly this time.

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