Seed Treatment Campaign

Shimla: J.C. Rana, Director, Agriculture said here today that the Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation has launched 100% seed treatment campaign during Kharif, 2007 where various agencies like State Department of Agriculture, Central, IPM Centre, Pesticides Industry, KVKs, SAUs, ATMA, Self Help Groups, Farmers Clubs, PRIs etc. would actively involve and do their best to achieve the target. He further said that the seed treatment is important in the sense that the farmers could save their crops from various diseases with minimum investment.

Rana said that Department of Agriculture has already chalked out a programme for launching this campaign by organizing training programmes, farmers fairs, Gosthies, field demonstrations and distribution of printed literature. Besides, all the pesticides dealers have also been requested to create awareness amongst the farmers and ensure that farmers get seed treating chemicals, he added.

He said that the Committee have been constituted at State, District and Block-level to monitor the progress and give future guidelines

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