Himachal to start Red cross activities in educational institutions

cm19.jpgV.S.Kokje, the Governor and Chairman of the Himachal Pradesh Red Cross Society emphasized the need for association of the youth in promotion of Red Cross Activities with a view to acquaint them with their social and moral responsibilities. He was presiding over the Annual General Meeting of the Himachal Pradesh Red Cross Society here today. He said that to begin with such activities would be started at all the three government owned universities in the state which would further be dispersed to the lower level educational institutions in a phased manner. He said that the youth could play pivotal role in elaboration of the Red Cross activities so that every deserving person was benefited with the campaign launched by the society from time to time.

The Governor emphasized the need for adoption of a suitable Policy by the state government to provide relief and care to the patients suffering from terminal diseases. He said that prolonged illness of such people had been a big challenge to his family members in maintaining the regular medication and care of the patient. He said that such people could not be left at the mercy of fate and needed to be looked after well and all medical care extended to them so that the illness did not get worsened. He said that a high level team of physicians could also be constituted to advise the government over dealing with such cases in an effective way.

Kokje said that the State Level Red Cross functions would be organized at different places all over the state so that entire state was involved and people motivated to participate in the Red Cross activities which would benefit the targeted groups in availing of the facilities being extended by the State Red Cross Society. He also emphasized the need of constitution of an Accounts Sub Committee to look after the accounts matters of the society as also to ensure proper utilization of every penny received by the Society from different sources.

Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, said that the state government would be contemplating setting up of special wards as care centres in the state medical colleges for the patients suffering from terminal illness which required constant care and medication by the medical professionals to save them from further deterioration of the conditions of the patients. He said that his government was alive to the problem being faced by the families having such patients hence considering such care centre in the medical colleges of the state to begin with.

Chief Minister said that the state government would be coming up with a suitable scheme and provide specialized medical services to terminally ill patients. He said that separate wards for male and female patients would be created and round the clock medical facilities made available. He said that the well to do families of such patients would be required to pay for the medical care and medicine etc. while the deserving IRDP, BPL and other vulnerable sections of the society would be eligible to avail of free medical treatment facilities. He said that after successful experimentation at the medical college level the state government might further consider setting up of a separate hospital for such patients in coming time. He said that the medical staff would also be provided training to deal with such cases.

Virbhadra Singh said that all the three Zonal Hospitals would be starting the de-addiction centres in the near future to save the youth from falling prey to the drug addiction. He said that special team of experts would be constituted which could deal with the addicted patients in a more humane manner and motivate them to lead a normal and healthy life to save their future from getting spoiled. He said that assistance of the motivational organizations would also be sought for building a healthy society. He emphasized the need for getting all the Ashrams operated by different voluntary organizations to cater to the welfare of specific categories of the underprivileged sections of the society. He said that every Ashram was required to be got registered under proper Registration Act, issued licence, governing body consisted of government functionaries, budget passed and audited by competent authority and frequently inspected by the government authorities to ensure that the aims and objectives of the institution were being adhered to.

Chief Minister said that the state had successfully checked the leprosy and only post cure patients were available for periodic medical check ups. He said that his government had envisioned a ‘Suryodaya’ scheme aimed at construction of colonies for the lepers where they could lead their lives in a more secure and comfortable manner. He said that efforts would be made to open one dispensary in each of such colonies to extend them medical care. He emphasized the need to organize the health check up camps in every part of the state and voluntary organizations associated with the endeavour. He said that efforts required to be made to ensure that all such camps were in the knowledge of the Red Cross Societies and Director of Health Services, so that every eligible person was benefited with the camp.

Virbhadra Singh welcomed the proposal of the Governor of associating the youth with the elaboration of the Red Cross activities and added that the senior secondary, high and middle schools would also be associated with the crusade and a motivation force created which could cater to the future promotion of the Red Cross. He also advised the Red Cross volunteers to visit the patients in the hospitals and extend their helping hand for their various petty needs. He urged the non-official members to associate every section of the society with the promotional activities of the Red Cross Society and make the same a mass movement.

Kaul Singh Thakur, Irrigation and Public Health Minister, said that income criteria needed to be followed in delivering benefits of the Red Cross to the vulnerable sections of the society, IRDP and BPL families.

Pratibha Singh, MP and Vice Chairperson of the State Red Cross Society said that she would be taking up the matter of providing special projects for de-addiction campaigns in the state from the Government of India. She emphasized the need to requisition the services of the globally voluntary health organizations for organization of camps in the state. She also advised to need for preparation of a directory of the social workers who could render valuable services to the deserving people in the hour of need.

Rashima Gupta, Secretary to the Governor and General Secretary of the State Red Cross Society welcomed the Chief Minister and apprised the house of the achievements and future programmes of the society in the state. She said that efforts were afoot to motivate youth to join the crusade for elaboration of red cross activities.

The House passed the annual budget of Rs. 1.31 crore for the coming financial year, approved dearness allowance to the regular employees, and observed other codal formalities of the Annual General Meeting.

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