Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2007 Notified

Himachal Pradesh Government has notified the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning (1st Amendment) Rules, 2007 which would remain in force upto March 31st, 2007 and these rules shall be applicable in all the Planning/Special Areas of the State including Municipal areas falling with the Planning Areas in respect of unauthorized construction carried upto March 30th, 2006.

The owners of the building applying for composition of deviations/unauthorized construction will apply on prescribed FORM No. XVII-D to the competent authority on or before 28.2.2007 which would be decided by 31.3.2007.

The constructions on the valley-side upto 30.6.2006 will be regularized upto five storeys irrespective of the number of the storeys above the road.

The Retention Policy will also be extended to HIMUDA built up colonies in Shimla Planning Area.

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