Himachal Government Committed to strengthen rural economy

biru.jpgVirbhadra Singh, Chief Minister said that the State Government was committed to strengthened the rural economy and was taking effective steps for the same. He said that Government would associate private sector to market the agro-produce of the State. He said that Jhanduta area was emerging in the field of floriculture for which Government would extend all possible help to market the flowers in the area

He was addressing an impressive public meeting at Jhanduta in Geharwin Assembly segment of district Bilaspur last evening. He dedicated the Augumented Lift Water Supply Scheme for Jhanduta-Beharan and other group of villages completed at a cost of Rs. 1.13 crore and also laid foundation stone of the First Referral Unit under National Rural Health Mission, estimated to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 35.34 lakhs.

Chief Minister said that top business houses were coming forward to set up cold chains and marketing centres in the State to supplement the endeavours of the State Government to strengthen the marketing network as also to provide farmers markets near to their homes to save them from exploitation at the hands of middlemen.Chief Minister said that State Government had decided in principal to open atleast one degree college in every assembly segment of the State. He said that his Government had opened majority of degree colleges in the rural areas to facilitate the rural children get higher education facilities near to their homes. He said that every college was being provided adequate funds to create best infrastructural facilitate to cater to the quality education needs of the students. He said that English had also been introduced as a compulsory subject from first standard in all the Government schools.

Virbhadra Singh said that all the plus two schools were being provided science blocks in a phased manner by spending Rs. 60 lakh on the modern science laboratories and added that the State Government would provide free uniform to the poor students. He said that quality education was being ensured and teachers needed to encourage their students to study seriously and equip themselves with best educational skills.

Virbhadra Singh said that Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi had evolved a formula to measure the development and independence in real sense would be achieved only when the poorest of the poor were provided opportunity to progress ahead and brought at par with other developed sections of the society. He said that his Government was moving ahead on the foot-steps of Gandhiji and implementing the formula evolved by him by making concerted efforts to cater to the welfare and developmental needs of the vulnerable sections of the society. He said that social welfare sector was being accorded top priority as his Government had earmarked over 48 percent of its budgetary provisions to the sector during current financial year and added that his Government was providing social welfare pensions to 2,12,250 old aged, widows and handicapped by spending over Rs, 54 crore annually. He said that every eligible person would be granted pensionary benefit and funds were no constraint for the purpose and added that the Panchayati Raj representatives needed to guide people to recommend the names of eligible persons who could be granted pensionary benefits. He said that efforts were afoot to implement the social welfare programmes effectively.

Virbhadra Singh said that Rs. 2000 crore were being spent on construction of new roads, widening and improving the existing road network besides maintaining the rural roads so that road connectivity was increased. He said that every gram panchayat would be connected with motorable road by March, 2008. He said that there was no demand coming forth for long distance roads, only link roads were in demand, which were being sanctioned funds by his Government. He said that there was no dearth of funds for development and uniform and balanced development was being carried out.

Virbhadra Singh said that concerted efforts were being made towards meeting the developmental requirements of the people of Geharwin. He said that the most expensive bridge in the State was being constructed at Babkhol at a cost of Rs. 23 crore which would save the journey distance by over 70 kms. besides increasing the connectivity. He said that funds would not be any constraint in carrying out development at an accelerated pace in Geharwin area. He assured the people of sympathetic consideration of all their demands.

Chief Minister also distributed subsidy cheques to the beneficiaries under National Horticulture Technology Mission and urged people to take benefit of the Mission which would benefit them in strengthening their agro-economy.

Chief Minister also listened to the grievances of the local people at all the venues he visited for inauguration and laying foundation stones. He was accorded a warm reception by people by erecting welcome gates enroute from Shah Talai to Jhanduta and Geharwin.

Later, Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of PHC building at Geharwin, to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 41.28 lakh and directed authorities to complete the same in a time bound manner and addressed a public meeting there.

Dr. Biru Ram Kishore, Local MLA welcomed Chief Minister to his segment and expressed gratitude for dedicating developmental schemes worth several crores to the people of the area and also for laying foundation stones. He said that all round development was taking place in the segment and added that record funds were available for a number of new roads and water supply schemes in the area. He said that all the required water supply schemes were being remodeled and augumented to meet the emerging water requirement needs of the areas. He also detailed out the developmental requirements of the area and urged for more funds for roads and water supply schemes

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