Himachal clears 10 new Industrial units by Single Window Authority

wind.jpgThe State Single Window Clearance and Monitoring Authority in its 25th meeting held here today, under the Chairmanship of Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister gave clearance to 10 New Industrial Units with proposed investment of Rs 90 crore and employment to about 1039 persons. It had raised the total investment in the State during proceeding three years to Rs. 21,652 crores and employment potential to about 3, 01,333 persons. Thus since January 2003 till today a total of 8340 New Units have been registered/approved.

Virbhadra Singh said that State Government was giving impetus for industrialization in the State and added that ample facilities to the entrepreneurs were being provided by the Government for setting up of their industrial units in the Pradesh. He also said that the pace of industrialization with the simplification of clearance procedure had been accelerated in the State. He said that Government was committed for committed for planned and systematic development of the State. He also directed that land for industrial purposes should be acquired through negotiation and land owner the rehabilitated accordingly. He said that the workers needed to be provided suitable residential accommodation for improving their working. He said that private players were also being encouraged to construct residential accommodation for the skilled and unskilled workers in the industrial sector.

Virbhadra Singh said that the Government of India has enacted the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 to facilitate the promotion and development and enhancing the competitiveness amongst the entrepreneurs. He said that the industrial proposals upto Rs. 10 crore would be considered under the medium enterprises while investments above Rs. 10 crore to be brought under the large scale industries. He said that the new enactment would facilitate speeding up of the codal formalities at different level thereby saving the time of the entrepreneurs in completing the same .

Chief Minister said that his Government was safeguarding the interests of the investors in all respects and providing them all services at one platform in the Single Window Clearnace and Monitoring Authority. He said that big industrial houses were also coming forward with their proposals to set up big manufacturing units in the State . He said that his Government was committed to safe-guard the interests of the State, its people and above all environment.

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