Himachal regularized 70,000 daily wagers


The State Government has regularized 70,000 daily wagers and work charged completing minimum prescribed tenure of service during last three years and process to regularize thousands of others was in progress. This was revealed by Shri Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, while addressing the State Level Meeting of the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), held here today.

Chief Minister said that his government had launched a campaign to regularize the services of the daily wagers and work charged staff working in different government departments who had completed a minimum period of eight years of service on 31st March, 2004 and 70,000 persons had been benefited all over the State. He said that the process of regularization was in progress and thousands others were likely to be regularized in the near future. He said that the State Government had advised the public sector undertakings as well to carry the regularization process after taking their financial viability into consideration.

Shri Virbhadra Singh said that the State Government had constituted State Labour Welfare Board under his Chairmanship to look after the welfare of the workers in government and private sector. He said that the Board would be instrumental in presenting the problems of the workers before the government with its suggestions so that effective steps were initiated to provide relief to the labour class. He said that the State Government had constituted different boards and committees as per the provisions of the labour laws so that the entrepreneurs and labour unions were provided appropriate representation to voice their concerns. He said that his government was committed to raise the daily wages of the workers from Rs. 70 to Rs. 75 and the same would come into effect from January next year all over the State and thereby a major promise made with the labour class would be fulfilled. He said that labour offices for ten districts had been sanctioned and supporting staff being being deployed.

Chief Minister said that the industrial and power project executing authorities had been directed to issue photo identity cards, countersigned by the concerned labour officers, to their management and working class at all level immediately on their appointment so that best law and order conditions were maintained besides safeguarding the interests of the working class. He said that 42,000 workers had so far been issued photo identity cards while 45,000 more were in the process. He said that the practice would help in ascertaining the minimum of 70 percent of employment at all level to the local people.

Shri Virbhadra Singh said that the State Government was also contemplating over the proposal to make it mandatory to all the entrepreneurs to pay the salary of their employees through cheques or deposit the same in their bank accounts to safeguard the interests of the workers after taking all related aspects into consideration and taking the workers unions into confidence. He said that his government was committed to implement the Building and Other Construction Workers Act vigorously and necessary manpower would be made available to give final touches to the same.

He said that possibilities of constructing labour hostels by the State Government in the industrial areas were being explored to facilitate the Himachali labour. He said that private parties were also being encouraged to undertaking industrial worker housing colonies projects in the State to supplement the endeavours of the state government.

Chief Minister said that his government was viewing the change in land use seriously and the land allotted being resumed so that the same could be allotted to the serious entrepreneurs who could utilize the land for bonafide purposes. He said that one industrial training institute in each assembly segment had been envisioned in the state and the state had the highest ratio of population and institutes in the country.

Shri Virbhadra Singh reiterated the resolve of his government to safeguard the interests of the workers and get them best benefits and working conditions so that industrial peace was maintained. He appealed to the workers to extend their full cooperation to the production units and get their problems resolved in peaceful and amicable conditions besides contributing significantly towards making cost effective quality products.

Shri Raj Kishan Gour, Agriculture, Labour and Employment Minister said that industrial sector was emerging the major employment generating sector and best being made to provide maximum employment to the state youth. He said that the State had 1.34 lakh registered industrial workers and lakhs of more were likely to get employment on full implementation of the industrial proposals sanctioned. He said that INTUC had been instrumental in maintaining coordination between the government and the workers and resolving all labour issues.

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