Social Changes part-II

Here I am, once again with all the inspiration I got from few nice comments, I’d say if a single person supports my view points I am good enough to work more harder! Its so much required to build an organization which is credible enough and on which people believe and devote themselves, getting people’s confidence is toughest thing one can ever gain. And up above that, to become reliable source is what we are trying here and we know its going to take a lot of time and road is long but so be it.

I want to pick up few points which I highlighted but made the reader bit lost, so in this article I am just pointing to some directions yet not completely! Why so? Social changes does not happen overnight and to prove our worth we need a lot of time, to say I am satisfied with efforts would be understatement, we are not of course. But one always put 100% energy and expects it to multiply with other’s energy, but then I learned a lesson, social issues does not get changed by one person, and for sure not overnight!

But let me clear one question, why after sitting here in US, I am worried about all this cause?

One and only one answer, I am unable to detach myself from my homeland! So I am part of the whole process! Back in HP we have largest number of people in defense services, and so my family also had many and in fact many are there as of now. They hardly know what is the situation on ground in civil life and once they retire first few years are hard for them to get attached to social system. So for once I am this way, with the help of modern technology, able to get associated with things on ground!

And on other note most of us from HP are not all so called born with silver spoon in mouth, I still have people in my family who are not getting jobs, those who are economically and socially backward and they would remain so if we all wont work together to find a way to get work for every one and bring our social structure in front lines with rest of the so called great cultures of India. So like any other fellow Himachali reading my views, I still face issues in my family, in my village where people are unable to pay for their kids’ school, so this battle would keep going on. All these people need is, equal chance and right guidance.

TEAM is the problem we are facing right now, everyone who is little well of, wants to do everything on his own. Someone wants to create his own NGO, the other person wants to create his or her own computer institute or in fact a different group. Again Himachal is a close knit society, we all achieved so much and reached till here by being together. We have strong social structure and we never faced terrorism or other evils in our society, reason, we all stayed together. So why separation here? But I never understood this mentality of working in separate teams. I understand every one has his or her agenda and that’s what they want to carry. But then here we have only one agenda, working for Himachal and that too very best of it so any one who is doing anything for any part of the Himachal automatically becomes part of the team. Keep in mind, bad elements join hands just on first meeting but for good causes its almost impossible to bring people together!

There are always ego issues and strong minds always collide, intellectual fight among best minds is necessary as it gives birth to some great ideas but then it has to end in positive note! But here we are ending up nowhere because of this my agenda issue! People would get exhausted, believe me, you will think oh this is too much, why the heck to be in this mess. But when you work in collective force, believe me, its fun, its mental satisfaction and it results in positive energy. From the start I am saying this whole thing is owned by people of Himachal and they need to come forward and be part of this. We have to be innovative so as to brings funds to carry forward our agenda and for that a lot of help is required but that strong winning team is not getting built here. People come, they see, they want quick results and when nothing happens in six months they just leave. But I think for a nascent organization we have made enough pace in our first year itself, so why to see us with skepticism?

Be part of it and make the change happen! Lets keep your own small issues on one corner and for one little moment lets think and do some introspection that where is what is needed and why all this is needed? So I request views, comments and your thoughts about TEAM building, why we all need to be together.

Recently HP government opened HP for private sector in education! I would like to see at least a single Himachali owned university, but I know that’s a distant dream but believe me, together its achievable and this is where TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)) is required.

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  1. says: Sanjeev Awasthi

    Res Dear Avnish,
    We all support you n we will be always with you.
    Please don’t wait for a team you can do a lot your self too, i understand team is important.
    I agree with most of your points but above all we all are working for one reason so don’t give up no matter what.
    I am very much sure we together will do what we want to do.
    best regards

  2. Res Dear Avnish,
    We all support you. I can’t say anything about team, because we all Himachalis or even Indian got an addiction to see things negatively we don’t see positive things. This is the problem with team building. We don’t think he is doing well we think why he is doing well.
    I am sorry to comment like that but its truth ……may 10 or 12 % people are different.
    They can make a difference believe me they will . Yes

  3. says: Avnish Katoch


    You are right!

    These 10-12% people are enough, but then they also need to join and work together! Somewhere we need to make these 10% as a single combined force, with their energy rest of 90% would also get enlightened.

    We have to take every one along or at least try, our motto is to work for something which belongs to everyone, so people need to realize within their inner self. But from our own end we need to go back in history and find the problems and try to fix few things which are left with the time. And for this a lot of introspection is required!


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