Hill Post brings you news, views and information from Himachal Pradesh and beyond… but we want to know about the issues that matter to you.
The part you play in making the news is very important. Whether it is breaking news or a featured item, your contribution can make a difference.
Have you seen or been involved in a news event?
Is something significant, bizarre or unusual happening where you live?
Have you got a story to tell or is there something you think we should follow up?
Are there topics you want to get the world talking about? What do you want to comment on? Or do you want to find out what others are talking about?
Here are the different ways to send in your contributions:
Email your write-ups, pictures, video or audio to us at [email protected]
Articles, in the range of 250-700 words can be sent. For articles beyond the prescribed word count, please send a synopsis of at least 70 words or more, briefly outlining the subject and your approach.
Complete articles should preferably be sent as .doc, docx, .txt, or .rtf attachments. Synopsis can be plainly pasted into the body of the email.
If accepted, the editors will return with a request for a personal bio and possible editorial changes, if required.
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