A Bureaucrat Reveals Actualities – Awesome Cynicism and Bruised Truths (Book Review)
It is after a long inner struggle that one resolves to write what one feels. A strong urge to share experiences and impressions with…
(PC Katoch is a former academician, civil servant and member PSC HP), is an author of more than sixty books (English and Hindi), a poet, novelist, short story writer and a critic in English and Hindi. He lives in garh-malkher, Palampur, Himachal, India.
An ordinary Hindu point of view Yajna –an act of charity or sacrifice or gift, in other words, purifies a man in totality. His…
A man never exists in vacuum and while living he has to exist in the already obtainable surroundings. He inherits social, economic and religious…
RK II in two parts -17052013 Born in 1951, Rajender Krishan, got education in Bal Bharati and Air Force School, and after matriculation from…
Living in Peccadilloes Here you exist in small peccadillo disbursed through eyes blind to scene and reason. Your servants are paynims and you remain…
Rajender Krishan (1951 born) got initial education in Bal Bharati and Air Force School until eighth standard and after matriculation from PU, Chandigarh, completed…
Dr. Mallikarjun Patil Reader, Dept of English Karnatak University, Dharwad-580 003 P.C.K. Prem’s third novel A Night of Storms is a psychological novel. It…