Himachal mulls making vulgar phone calls a criminal offence

Shimla: Rising nuisance of unsolicited phone calls laced with vulgarity landing on unsuspecting users, especially females, has made the government contemplate of bringing such offensive behavior within the ambit of law by enacting an appropriate legislation.

After presiding over a law and order review meeting, chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal said that the police was receiving several complaints from different parts of the state about vulgar calls being made by anti social elements, mostly to women, who are even threatened with dire consequences.

Expressing concern, the chief minister said, “the government would be contemplating making vulgar telephone calls a cognizable offence by enacting an appropriate law and after taking all related aspects into consideration.”

“To protect privacy of an individual, the state government was considering making legal provisions to deal with such cases and punish the guilty with imprisonment and fine,” he said.

Reviewing the security deployment for ensuring peaceful New Year Celebrations at different tourist destinations, Dhumal said that the needed to be strict with the traffic laws violators.

“Extra care was required to be taken on the eve of New Year when large numbers of tourists throng various destinations,” he said.

Directing the police to intensify highway patrolling, he said, “at no cost would peace in the state be allowed to be disturbed.”

On the occasion, the chief minister asked people in distress, facing a law and order situation, about sending out an emergency text SMS message on 9459100100, a toll free number, at any time.

He said that correct information about the crime, law and order problem needed to be mentioned, so that effective remedial steps were initiated by the appropriate authority to nab the offenders.

Giving out the year’s drug crime report, DGP Daljit Manhas let the meeting know that police had seized 592 Kgs of charas, 34 Kgs of opium, 2 Kgs ganja and 1993 Kgs poppy husk.

Police raiding parties had destroyed 11,809 poppy plants that were being cultivated in an area of 922 bighas.

Till 30 November, 545 cases about drug related offences had been registered against 622 Indian and 17 foreigners.

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