Himachal’s 11th Five Year Plan fixed at Rs. 14,000 crore

Himachal Pradesh 11th five year plan (2007-2012) has been fixed at Rs. 14000 crore in comparision to Rs. 10,300 crore plan outlay of 10th five year plan .

The 11th five year plan was approved in a meeting held between Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh and Planning Commission, Deputy Chairman, Montek Singh Ahluwalia at New Delhi yesterday .

Chief Minister told that social service sector has been given the top priority in the plan period and added that Rs. 6158 crore (44% )of 11th plan outlaly would be spent on the social service sector . He said that Rs. 2177 crore would be spent on transportation and communication sector, Rs.1240 crore would be spent on irrigation and flood control , Rs.1494 crore on agriculture and allied activities, Rs. 1140 crore on energy sector , Rs, 811 crore on general economic services and Rs. 361 crore on the rural development.

Chief Minister said that 5744.10 MW additional hydel power potential would be exploited in the state in the plan period and out of it, 2751 MW under central /joint sector,1831 MW in private sector and 1150 MW in the state sector. He said that an ambitious plan has been formulated to attract 10 lakhs foreign tourists and 3.25 crore domestic tourists in the state in the plan period and added that 15000 additional beds accommodation would be created to facilitate the visiting tourists. He further said that 23 technical education institutions, 250 primary schools,500 middle school,1000 senior secondary schools and 15 new colleges would be opened in the plan period in the state.

Virbhadra Singh said that 5,000 new industrial units would be opened and 27,000 artisans trained and 50,000 new employement opportunities generated in industry sector during the plan period . He said that 170 bridges and 5 cable ways would also be constructed to provide the road connectivity to 200 village in the state during the same period.

Chief Minister said that agriculture provides direct employment to about 71% of main working population and income from agriculture and allied sector acconts for nearly 22% of total state domestic product. He said that around 9.99 lakh hectare area under operational holdings is owned by 8.63 lakh farmers and added that average holding size in the state is around 1.2 hectares. He said that a target has been fixed to produce 17 lakh metric ones foodgrains, 13 lakh metric ones vegetable, 1.8 lakh metric ones potatoes , 9 lakh metric ones fruits ,6000 metric ones mushroom ,45 tonnes dry Hops and 9.20 lakh milk production in the state during the plan period.

Singh said that special emphasis has been laid to double the horticultue production in next 10 year so as to provide nutritional food to the common masses by creating various infrastructure and facilities. He said that target has been fixed to produce 9.06 lakh metric fruit production by bring 2.18 lakh hectares land under fruit plantations in the plan period. He said that 60,000 fruit plant tissue samples will be collected and analyzed under fruit plant nutrition programmes in the State and added that 2 lakh hectares area will be covered under plant protection scheme in the State during the plan period.

He said that production target of 13 lakh metric tonne vegetables and 70,000 metric ones ginger has been fixed in the State during the plan period. He said that 18000 hectares land would be brought under soil conservation scheme by Agriculture Department while the 4810 hectares of land would be brought under the protective afforestation scheme by Forest Department in the State

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