Himachal allows 1370 non-farmers to buy agriculture land

Shimla : Permission has been given to 1,370 non agriculturists to buy land under section 118 of the Himachal Pradesh tenancy and land reforms act since 2008.

In the absence of the state’s revenue minister Gulab Singh, the IPH minister Ravinder Ravi said Thursday in the state assembly that out of 1,370 cases, 1,004 were from outside Himachal while the remaining 366 were locals.

He said no separate permission was granted in such cases for change of land use.But each permission was given for a specific purpose and this automatically resulted in land use in the classification of land records.

According to law people from outside the state and even non agriculturists from within the state cannot buy land in rural Himachal.

This is a highly contentious issue and permissions are granted from time to time by both the BJP and the Congress, even though both parties accuse each other of violating this law.

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  1. says: rajeev

    this is a serious issue. as such the scaricity of alnd do exist in himachal, on top if the govt grants such permissions for sale of land to non himachli then it is worring issue. all the himachli must raise thier voice against it

  2. says: jaideep lath

    Politicians are friends to each other.The question arises in my mind that daughter of sonia gandhi is not a himachali.But she is constructing a house in charabra.We can get conclusions from this example that all politicians are friends to each other and they put aside law and orders in favour of eachother.Instead of blaming governments the citizens should feel their responsibilities and everyone should be checked by everyone,if this policy is implemented lot of improvement can happen in our old and sick system.

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