No facilities for Infertility Problem in Himachal

9 patients went for IVF in year 2006

Shimla: In Himachal, the increasing Infertility Problem is becoming cause of worry. When most couples get married they expect to have their own babies. Many naively expect they will get pregnant the very first month they try – and are concerned when a pregnancy does not occur. Such cases are increasing continuously in the state. According to the record of Health Deptt. the cases are more than fifty per year. But the pity is, there is not a single way by which worried couples should be helped. For Infertility Problem, patients are referred to other parts of the country, like Chandigrah, Delhi and Mumbai. The State Hospital for Mother and Child, KNH in Shimla is completely helpless. Head of Deptt. Mrs. Dr. Kumud Bala Gupta said that the Hospital counsel the patient and refer.

She said that the causes of Infertility in Himachal are many. In the Year 2006 we have sent nine couples for Test Tube Baby (IVF ) after proper counseling, but no one brought the results. Dr. Gupta said that before worrying, remember that in a single menstrual cycle, the chance of a perfectly normal couple achieving a successful pregnancy is only about 25%. This is called their fecudity, which describes their fertility potential. Over a period of a year, the chance of a successful pregnancy is between 80 and 90%; so that 7 out of 8 couples will be pregnant within a year. These are the normal “fertile” couples. The rest are “labeled ” infertile – the medical text book definition of infertility being the inability to conceive even after trying for a year.

The chances of pregnancy for a couple in a given cycle will depend upon many things. The age of the woman. As the age increasing, the number of eggs and their quality starts decreasing. While there is no normal frequency for sex, the optimal frequency of intercourse if you are trying to get pregnant is about 3 times a week in the fertile period. Couples, who have intercourse less frequently, have a diminished chance of conceiving. In Himachal, the lack of knowledge and hesitation even between husband and wife increases their chances of fertility . In such problem the primary medical can’t do anything, which brings result.

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  1. says: Todd Kneeland

    I have heard of a new, revolutionary, fertility enhancing device and new simple procedure that increases preganancies up to 35% success rate.

    Tis USA based company outside of Boston, MASS is looking for distributors in INDIA.. It is a very new, successful, unique, reasonably priced, medical device product and procedure that takes only 72 hours to determine successful pregancy. CE Mark approval issued in April 2008.

    They are looking for any INDIAN medical device distributors., and also INDIAN doctors, obgyn’s, fertility clinics, hospital, too. Any suggestions?? or referrals?? or related ideas?
    Todd Kneeland US area code 978.590.3029 FAx Number 978.232.9070 Thank you
    PS They will come to India to train and teach.

  2. says: Michael Crocker

    We are presently searching for a distributor for our new Medical device the INVOcell
    and INVO procedure, which was invented by world renowned Dr. Claude Ranoux. We recently
    received CE Mark approval for our patented INVOcell technology. INVOcell and INVO procedure
    eliminates the standard and complex in vitro fertilization process.

    The INVOcell and INVO procedure allows conception to take place inside the woman’s body,
    not in a laboratory. INVOcell and INVO procedure is less expensive and simpler to perform
    than the conventional in vitro fertilization process. The current worldwide market is over
    100 million infertile couples.

    The INVOcell and INVO procedure technology will be the new revolutionary way to have
    a baby.

    Your response is welcomed,
    Michael Crocker
    Account Executive
    Boston, Massachusetts
    Cell 781-389-4443


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