Slapped girl’s brother asks Shinde to sack errant cops

New Delhi, April 26 (IANS) The brother of Class 12 student Beenu Rawat whom a Delhi Police officer slapped while she was protesting the rape of a five-year-old girl, Friday submitted to the home minister’s office here a letter demanding “dismissal of errant cops”.

The letter carries signatures of 31,000 people who are demanding dismissal of all the three Delhi Police officers who were suspended following the incident.

“We have submitted the letter to the office of union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde at North Block today (Friday) afternoon. The staff has assured us that it will be forwarded to Shinde,” Kapil Mishra told IANS. A campaign activist, he accompanied the assaulted Beenu Rawat’s brother Narender to the home minister’s office.

Assistant Commissioner of Police B.S. Ahlawat was suspended and booked for slapping Rawat – an incident caught on TV cameras – while two other policemen were suspended for misbehaving with the rape victim’s family.

The small, five-year-old girl was brutally raped and tortured by two men in Gandhi Nagar in east Delhi. They were later arrested from Bihar where they had fled to.

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